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The characters from The Legend of the Legendary Heroes.

Ryner Lute (Real name: Feruna Lieutolu)[]

Voice Actor: Jun Fukuyama (JP), Ian Sinclair (EN)[]

The main character of the story. He looks like a lazy guy, but is actually the strongest magician in his country. He is going on a journey to search for Heroes' Relic by Sion's order.


Ferris Eris[]

Voice Actor: Ayahi Takagaki (JP), Luci Christian (EN)[]

A swordswoman with superhuman speed. Because Sion threatened to destroy the dango shop near her place, she's now traveling with Ryner.


Sion Astal[]

Voice Actor: Daisuke Ono (JP), Eric Vale (EN)[]

The King of Roland. He was once in the same school as Ryner and Kiefer. He is now working hard to rebuild his country that has been corrupted by the nobles. He has Lucille as his bodyguard. He's actually the vessel of The Mad Hero, Roland's first King and constantly in danger of being berserk.


Lucille Eris (Real name: elx Eris)[]

Voice Actor: Tomokazu Sugita (JP), Jerry Jewell (EN)[]

Sion's bodyguard. The head of the distinguished sword clan of Eris and Ferris and Iris' older brother. He killed his parents to save Ferris and become the head. Due to his contract with thousand of demons, he currently cannot step foot outside of Roland.


Claugh Klom[]

Voice Actor: Atsushi Imaruoka (JP), Mike McFarland (EN)[]

Sion's right hand man. Currently in the rank of Field Marshall. Has romantic relationship with Lady Noa Ehn.


Calne Kaiwal[]

Voice Actor: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP), Chris Burnett (EN)[]


Miran Froaude[]

Voice Actor: Junichi Suwabe (JP), J. Michael Tatum (EN)[]


Noa Ehn[]

Voice Actor: Mikako Takahashi (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)[]
