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L. Frank Baum's story of the origins of Santa Claus, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus received two animated adaptations: A Rankin-Bass Christmas Special that would be their last stop-motion Christmas project and a 2D animated film released in the year 2000 featuring Robby Benson and Jim Cummings playing the title character at different ages.

The Rankin-Bass version utilizes the ending of the book as a framing device, where Ak, the Master Woodsman of the world, argues a case for Santa Claus to be granted immortality to a council of his peers. Both versions tell of how Santa Claus was an orphaned baby found by the immortals of the magical Forest of Burzee, being shown the unfortunate state of other human children by Ak and finding his calling of making toys. However, monsters called the Awgwas oppose Claus's efforts to bring joy to the children that they torment, leading to Ak and the immortals to intervene.

Tropes used in The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus include:
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