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The Love Bug (original version)[]

  • The scenes with Herbie squirting ink all over Thorndyke's shoe.
  • Jim hitting his head on the window when he first meets Carole at the car lot.
  • Pretty much any scene that had Tennessee in it, such as;
    • Thorndyke asking him which part of Ireland his mother came from, before responding back with "Coney Ireland."
    • Tennessee's explanation about how machines are possibly developing minds of their own, before being blown off about it by Jim.
    • During the El Dorado race when Thorndyke zooms past Herbie while not realizing that a bear is sitting in the front seat with him in place of his navigator, Havershaw. Tennessee's response? "Who's the guy in the fur coat?"
    • Tennessee screaming like a girl while he and Carole keep Herbie balanced during the race.
    • When Thorndyke kicks Herbie's side, Tennessee's only utterance of disapproval of this act is a simple "AUWWW!"
  • "The little car takes first... and third place!"
  • Carole's What the Hell, Hero? rant to Jim about his apparent success in winning races, which was actually Herbie's doing, while loud crashing sounds are going on in the background, which turn out to be Herbie ramming himself repeatedly against the Lamborghini that Jim bought to replace him.
  • The random school bus shown during the Mexican road rally.