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  • Canon Welding: The villainous businessman in Rides Again, Alonzo Hawk, was previously the villain of The Absent-Minded Professor and Son of Flubber, and is played by the same actor.
  • Franchise Killer: Fully Loaded's mixed reception combined with Old Shame, see the YMMV page, might have been this.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • Herbie is originally sold to Jim by Mr. Banks.
    • That's Mr. Salt moonlighting as a jewel thief in Monte Carlo.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
    • Who knew that Scuttle was a mechanic, too?
    • Velma is the female hippie in the car Jim "races" with Carol.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The 1997 film and the CBS miniseries were released on VHS but never on DVD or Blu-ray. Torrents on YouTube or other websites can be readily found.
  • Unintentional Period Piece:
    • The Love Bug has hippies. That is all.
    • The 1997 reboot is so '90s that it hurts.
    • Fully Loaded:
      • The very reason that Maggie buys Herbie in the first place is because she needs a cheap ride for her last month in town. In The New Tens, it would have been far simpler to simply rent a car for a month or use Uber or a similar service whenever she needed to get around.
      • The climax has NASCAR. That's not so bad on its own but several factors; the car types, the announcers, the drivers; lock it as a product of the early 2000s.