The Magnificent Milkmaid is a webcomic by Prodigy Duck and Kris Overstreet.
It tells about an ordinary girl named Beth Dorman, who was given a dose of Super Serum (with an accidental dash of milk) by Mad Scientist Dr. Papilandrou, who is trying to test a formula for creating a "perfect sex slave". Instead, whenever she drinks milk afterwards, she uncontrollably grows into a giantess with large amounts of the Most Common Superpower — and a few more besides. Now, she has to fight evil, and sexual frustration, as The Magnificent Milkmaid.
Gave rise to a spinoff, Chocolate Milkmaid, set a few years ahead of its parent.
Site is NSFW, but has a SFW filter page.
=== Tropes included:
- Anything That Moves - Almost all of the supergirls. Milkmaid is surprisingly a subversion; she CAN keep her raging libido under control if she really wants to.
- Art Evolution
- Big Bad - Dr. Emil Papilandrou
- Bigger Is Better - Generally played straight, but JuGGGs, comically oversized even compared to her peers, usually gets made fun of for being too big.
- Biggus Dickus: The aptly named Captain Cock.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Hilariously parodied/lampshaded with Beth's mom.
- Breast Expansion - all of the main characters have this power and one, JuGGGs, basically bases her entire life around her breast size. It's to the point that Milkmaid's super-strength is a Required Secondary Power to having such a bust. And, if she powers up too much, it's not enough to let her stand!
- Clingy Jealous Girl - Karen Matthews aka JuGGGs
- Clothing Damage - DUH.
- Enemy Within - Prixen and Sweater Puppy
- Gag Boobs
- Gollum Made Me Do It - regarding to all of Milkmaid's enemies such as Chastity saying "It was the Prixen! She made me do it!"
- Hammerspace - One of Milkmaid's powers.
- Hot Amazon - most of the cast.
- Hulking Out - Sweater Puppy and The Incredible Cunt.
- Humongous Mecha - "Summon Mega-Milkmaid!"
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain - Dr. Papilandrou
- Involuntary Shapeshifting - Most of the cast: Beth (Milkmaid) with milk, Chastity (Prixen) when she gets sexually aroused, Martina (Sweater Puppy) when she sees anything related to the word "Moon"...
- Jekyll and Hyde - Chastity and Prixen, Martina and Sweater Puppy
- Living with the Villain - pick one
- Mad Scientist - Dr. Emil Papilandrou
- Magic Pants - averted
- Most Common Superpower
- Mrs. Robinson - Beth's mom. Dear god.
- Only Six Faces
- Our Werewolves Are Different - Sweater Puppy
- Pettanko - JuGGGs is actually flat-chested and overcompensates by using her powers to make herself look cartoonishly overinflated.
- Power-Up Food - Milk
- Shrinking Violet - Serafina. Until you call her a cunt...
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Prixen and Sweater Puppy
- You Wanna Get Sued? - Parodied with the Incredible Cunt in her intro story.