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  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: On first viewing, the entire film seems like a BLAM. On subsequent viewings, you can see what the filmmakers were trying to do--but those ogres (the ones who growl at the camera after the protagonists defeat the skeleton cavalry) still have nothing to do with anything.
    • Nor does a random guy jumping off the cliff in the scene after those two protagonists are captured for the first time.
      • He's one of the losers of the gladiatorial combat mentioned in the next line. I think...
  • Ear Worm: The Indiana Jones theme, of course, though it wouldn't really count here.
  • Fight Scene Failure: Basically the entire movie.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Main villain's face turned into that after the film 300 was released.
  • Most Annoying Sound: A whistle to which "no woman can resist".
    • And considering the sound effects and music cannot mix right, it will give you a headache!!
  • Narm: The entire movie, perhaps? And most particularly the Training Montage, linked to in the main page.
  • So Bad It's Fucking Awesome
  • Snark Bait
  • Special Effects Failure: A LOT! (Excluding the pulled ones) In fact, best special effects (lasers, and even these weren't up par to standards) were made by scratching the very film itself. O the Irony.
    • In a related Turkish film, starring Tarkan (no, not the pop singer), an octopus puppet fails to fill with air, thus looking like a wet plastic bag in the sea.
    • Special mention should be made to the part where our hero fights a werewolf that is clearly stock footage lifted from another movie. (The Magic Sword) The scenery doesn't even match, and it's killed by the hero obviously stabbing at the camera while reaction shots are shown.