Missing WorkThis work existed in electronic form only and no longer can be found anywhere on the Net, including the Wayback Machine. Lacking the original work, we cannot guarantee that the description below is accurate or that the trope list, if any, is anything approaching complete. Be warned that links in the text below may go anywhere, including unrelated sites, malware pits or worse.
If you have an offline copy of this work, please help the All The Tropes community by putting it back up on the Net and updating/adding the link in the text below. Thank you.— The Mgmt.
The story started out as a Sims 3 alphabetacy, but the author later switched to using Sims 2 as his medium. This transition is seen in the prologue of the story when the founder, Adrianna, is pushed into a hole.
The author hosts his story on his Live Journal account.
- Alphabetical Theme Naming: Each generation is assigned a letter and all sims born into the main line of the family are given names starting with that letter.
- Backstory: here.
- Homosexual Reproduction: Adrianna and Artemis manage to conceive a child even though they are both female.
- Interspecies Romance: Adrianna & Artemis.
- Machinomic
- Pointy Ears: Artemis has pointy ears.