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Neo mouth 1326

Excuse me, can I borrow some chapstick?

  • Human harvest!
  • In the Animatrix short The Second Renaissance, an android woman is beaten to death by a crowd of men. They tear off her clothes and beat the fake human skin off of her while her screams turn into a mechanical bleating.
    • Android lady's last words? "Please, no! No! I'm real! I'm re-"
    • In the same short, the depiction of the forced extraction of a certain trooper from his powered armor. To give you some idea, he's torn from the armor by a machine tentacle wrapped around his waist. His arms and legs, however, remain locked in the armor. And he's screaming in pain and terror the whole time.
    • The scene in which a robot grabs a man's face and TEARS HIS SKULL IN HALF TO REVEAL HIS BRAIN. The brain then turns into some sort of diagram for the next scene.
  • The interrogation scene (pictured) when Agent Smith makes Neo's mouth melt itself shut, causing him to panic understandably to where they shoot in the tracking bug.

 Agent Smith: Tell me...what good is a phone call when you are unable to speak?

    • Neo *himself* thought it was a nightmare. When Trinity sucks out the "bug," his reaction is "Jesus Christ, that thing's real?!?"
  • Giant flying baby face made of bugs. Egads.
  • Neo's first entry into the real world in The Matrix. Oh, don't tell me you weren't horrified. And then the explanation of how it works...and how humans are fed...and how people jack in to the Matrix...and did we mention that our bodies could be taken over by evil unstoppable programs at any second?
  • The dèjá vu scene in the first movie. The moment Neo points out what he just saw, the entire group freezes in their tracks. It's not clear (at first) what was changed during the glitch, but it is clear that something has just gone horribly wrong.