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Protect the diamonds. Survive the clubs. Dig deep through the spades. Feel the hearts. |
Meet Ed Kennedy. Underage cabdriver, pathetic cardplayer and a man who is useless at romance. He lives in a shack with his coffee-addicted dog, the Doorman, and he's hopelessly in nervous-love with his best friend, Audrey. His life is one of peaceful routine and incompetence, until he inadvertently stops a bank robbery. That's when the Ace of Diamonds arrives, with three addresses written on its back. That's when Ed becomes the messenger, helping and hurting (when necessary) until only one question remains: who's behind his mission?
Released as I Am the Messenger in the US.
Tropes used in The Messenger (novel) include:
- The Alleged Car: Marv's Ford, to the point where a robbery is thwarted because the robber chooses it for his getaway vehicle.
- An Aesop: "If a guy like you can stand up and do what you did for all those people, well, maybe everyone can. Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of."
- Anti-Hero: Ed, who as we mentioned is a bit of a failure until it all begins.
- Australian Rules Football: The local barefoot game is a huge deal to Marv, who drags Ed along.
- Author Avatar: Supposedly the man who visits Ed at the end.
- Big Friendly Dog: The Doorman
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: part of the conclusion.
- Broken Bird: The wife of 'Mr Edgar Street' and her daughter. "Are you OK?"
- Call to Adventure
- Chekhov's Gun: The Chessmaster at the end of the story has a file where he keeps all the story's writing. Now look at the 'about the author' photo in the back...
- Chekhov's Gunman: Literally!
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life: Of all people, it turns out to be Ritchie.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Subverted. Sophie initially wears shoes to her track meets, believing they'll help with her running. That is, until Ed motions that she should go barefoot.
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- The End - or Is It?: After Ed finishes the last ace, it looks like we're heading towards a feel good Bittersweet Ending...and then comes the Joker.
- Foot Focus: Sophie
- Gainax Ending: A totally non-fantasy story suddenly turns Post Modern when The Chessmaster turns out to be the author himself. He's a pretty nice guy, and even gives Ed the book's manuscript. After a bit of navel-contemplating, Ed decides to go on living his life.
- Good Bad Girl: Audrey.
- Good People Have Good Sex: Averted. Ed himself says, 'useless at sex,' and wishes it was more like maths so no one would care.
- Literary Agent Hypothesis
- Market-Based Title: Released as I Am the Messenger in the United States.
- Now What?: Ed's reaction after the author drops in. "I don't leave the shack, and I don't answer the phone. I barely even eat." Justified and played with in that if the book ended say, before the Joker was delivered, Ed would be done and not be 'alive' as we would not be reading about him.
- Post Modernism: the second last chapter.
- Rape as Drama: One of the first people he has to help is a woman whose husband rapes her regularly.
- Reason You Suck Speech: His own mother gives one to Ed. Ouch.
- Serious Business: the annual football Sledge Game, to Marv.
- Sliding Scale of Cynicism Versus Idealism. Quite cynical...except for the Aesop.
- Tear Jerker: "Thanks for trying, Ed."
- Twist Ending: The book is humming along, the messages have all been delivered and then the author pops in, hands Ed the manuscript for 'The Messenger' and wanders off down the street.
Ed :"I guess it's for life beyond these pages |
- Will They or Won't They?: Audrey and Ed both like each other, and both know it, but can't be together because Audrey's afraid of being in a relationship with someone she actually cares about.