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The Midnight Beast is just another Boy Band a British comedy band consisting of Stefan Abingdon, Dru Wakely, and Ashley Horne. They mock the living hell out of stuff for a living.
First coming to prominence in 2009 with their Youtube parody of Kesha's "Tik Tok", they have since gone on to:
- be among the most viewed and subscribed producers on YouTube
- top the iTunes charts in multiple countries
- make videos for MTV and The BBC
- play several major concert festivals
Tropes used in The Midnight Beast include:
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Averted in "Booty Call", they'd rather engage in a Ho Yay-filled slumber party.
- Ambiguously Gay: Ashley.
- Auto-Tune: Used heavily. The "Just Another Boyband" video implies that they sound terrible without it.
- Boy Band: Parodied, obviously, in "Just Another Boyband". Going by TV Tropes' own formula, Dru is the Bad Boy, Stefan is the Heartthrob/Sweet One, and Ash is the Cute One.
- British Political System: The subject of their "House Party" video for BBC Comedy, created for the 2010 General Election.
- Chromatic Arrangement: Used in "The Dance Routine" and their live shows. Stefan wears red, Ashley wears blue and Dru wears green.
- Don't Explain the Joke: The addition of a hilariously superfluous "if you know what I mean" in "Lez Be Friends" following an extremely non-subtle proclamation by Stefan that he is going to have sex with lots of girls.
- Dubstep: In the "Dubstep On My Mouth Skit", it's an evil force replacing their voices with "offensive noises".
- Mr. Fanservice: All three of them.
- They're pretty Adorkable.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Stefan and Dru previously worked together in the bands The Clik Clik and Perfect People; Ash is an actor who has appeared on Eastenders and Doctor Who.
- Ho Yay: Getting more and more obvious with each music video.
- It's pretty much the entire point of "Booty Call".
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Lez Be Friends.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: "OF THE DANCEFLOOR!"
- Katanas Are Just Better: They get you into nightclubs, apparently. But are not actually like Stefan's hands.
- Lucky Charms Title: St£fan.
- However, this was only used once, in the "Tik Tok" parody, to mimic Ke$ha.
- Metaphorgotten: From "Ninjas":
Stefan: And my hands are like samurai swords/but they're not metal so nothing like swords/they're just hands... |
- Overly Long Name: According to "The Dance Routine," Stef's full name is Stefan James Donald John Abington
- Parental Abandonment: Dru. See Running Gag.
- Parody: So far, of Kesha's "Tik Tok", Jay Sean's "Down", and (as "XXXMas Buddies") Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas".
- Averted with their version of Rebecca Black's "Friday": it's a straight cover that they called a parody anyway because they thought original lyrics were so funny.
- Most recently, Katy Perry's "E.T."
- And don't forget their "All Time Low" Parody
- Record Producer: They most recently produced the Selena Gomez track "When The Sun Goes Down" from her album of the same name.
- Running Gag: Dru's dad. Peaks with "Daddy".
- Shout-Out: Some of the more obvious include:
- Amy Winehouse, Sarah Palin, Alexa Chung and Lady Gaga's hits in "Tik Tok (Parody)"
- Two Girls, One Cup, and rappers Nelly and Snoop Dogg in "Ninjas".
- Dru dressing exactly like Lil Wayne did in the original "Down" video.
- Uncomfortable Elevator Moment: In the beginning of "Just Another Boyband," with the song's melody playing as the awkward elevator music
- Take That - Now let's copy "Poker Face", like whoa whoa oh oh.
- E.T.: "Taylor imma' let you finish/After I destroy another fairly decent song"
- "Pizza in Ibiza" is basically a long Take That at ignorant English tourists.