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Mighty heroes 2437

Clockwise from top: Strong Man, Diaper Man, Tornado Man, Cuckoo Man, and Rope Man.

The Mighty Heroes was a lighthearted Superhero Parody cartoon that originally aired on CBS in 1966, reportedly created on-the-spot by animator Ralph Bakshi. The show featured a team of five misfit heroes — Strong Man, Cuckoo Man, Diaper Man, Rope Man and Tornado Man — protectors of the city of Good Haven. The show featured a fair amount of skewering of superhero tropes, and is seen by some as a precursor to Bakshi's work on Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures.

Dell Comics published a comic about the characters in 1967; decades later, one-shots with the characters were printed by Marvel Comics and Spotlight Comics.

Tropes for this work include:[]