The Monster Men is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs — his take on the Mad Scientist theme. Professor Maxon, having disposed of his latest attempt to create life, takes to the ocean to recover. In Southeast Asia, he chooses to take them up again on a Deserted Island. Pirates, treachery, and miswrought experiments threaten him and his beautiful daughter Virginia.
Can be found here.
Tropes included[]
- Badass Damsel: Virginia.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: How Virginia deduces Bulan's character
- Blue Blood: von Horn. He doesn't see why his suit to Virginia can be objectional, in light of it.
- Bridal Carry: After abductions and rescues
- Cannot Spit It Out: Bulan
- Celestial Deadline: Attributed to Chinese medicine
- Creating Life: Professor Maxon's sin.
- Curse: Showered, ineffectively, on a traitor.
- Damsel in Distress: Virginia
- Dangerous Deserter: von Horn, it turns out.
- Deserted Island: The setting for most of it.
- Dumb Muscle: Professor Maxon's creatures.
- Easy Amnesia
- Engagement Challenge: Whoever rescues Virginia can court her.
- Evil Virtues
Whatever faults and vices were Carl von Horn's cowardice was not one of them, |
- Friend or Foe: Sing shoots at ships he takes for pirates because being taken by pirates is too horrible to risk.
- Good Samaritan: Sing, it turns out.
- Hair of Gold: Virginia
- Hungry Jungle: Much of the island. They meet various monsters and savages in it.
- Just a Flesh Wound: Bulan's injuries at the end
- Love At First Sight: Number 13 for Virginia.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Virginia
- Mars Needs Women: One of the monster men abducts Virginia.
- Meaningful Rename: Bulan.
- The Medic: Sing treats several injuries.
- Mysterious Past
- Our Souls Are Different: It is taken for granted that the created men have no souls.
- Parental Marriage Veto: At least, if you want the fortune.
- Pirate
- The Promise: Maxon promises that if he rescues Virginia, von Horn can marry her.
- Rags to Royalty: Bulan
- Rescue Romance: Bulan and Virginia
- Revenge: von Horn tries to inspire this in Number Thirteen.
- Rule of Seven: how long it has been since von Horn went anywhere under American jurisdiction.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Virginia's choice
- Suddenly-Suitable Suitor: Not needed — but it still happens.
- Tap on the Head: It cures Professor Maxon
- Thirteen Is Unlucky: Number 13 is the point at which everything goes haywire.
- Thunder Equals Downpour: The breakup of the monsoon.
- Truly Single Parent: Professor Maxon to his creatures
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: von Horn argues for the creature's deaths.
- You No Take Candle: Sing, the Chinese cook speaks entirely in very bad pidgin.