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  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Days of Future Passed. That is all.
  • Ear Worm: "Nights in White Satin", "Tuesday Afternoon", "Ride My See-Saw", "Lovely to See You", "Your Wildest Dreams"
  • Magnum Opus: Days of Future Passed is considered by many to be their masterpiece.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Norda Mullen has gotten a lot of hate from Ray Thomas fans.
  • Tear Jerker: A good chunk of their output falls into this, including "Nights in White Satin", "Tuesday Afternoon", "Voices in the Sky", "Om", "Never Comes the Day", "Are You Sitting Comfortably?", "Have You Heard/The Voyage", "Eyes of a Child", "I Never Thought I'd Live to Be a Hundred", "Watching and Waiting", "And the Tide Rushes In", "The Story in Your Eyes", "Emily's Song", "New Horizons", "For My Lady", and "Isn't Life Strange".