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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: As indicated by the page quote, there was a great deal of rejoicing when Darnielle started playing "Going to Georgia" live again.
  • Archive Panic: seventeen studio albums, three compilations, numerous singles and EP releases, many tour-exclusive or otherwise rare, as well as multiple songs never officially recorded...
    • To add to it, Darnielle will occasionally do things like hold auctions to sell cassettes that have no copies to raise money for charity.
  • Broken Base: A dwindling but still-vocal contingent holds the early super-lo-fi recordings above latter-day studio work.
  • Covered Up: Some fans may not realize live favourite "Houseguest" is actually by keyboardist Franklin Bruno's other band, Nothing Painted Blue.
  • Crowning Simile Of Awesome

 In the way those eyes I've always loved illuminate this place

Like a trashcan fire in a prison cell

Like the searchlights in the parking lots of hell


 We were safe inside

And our new son cried,

San Bernadino welcomes you

  • Genius Bonus: John Darnielle is one of the most well-read singers in music. He's written songs about everything from HP Lovecraft to obscure boxing champs to minor Greek political events. [1]
  • Growing the Beard: The Hound Chronicles is considered (even by Darnielle himself) to be the beginning of the signature Mountain Goats style, while Taboo VI: The Homecoming is... rougher.
  • Magnum Opus: Tallahesse or The Sunset Tree
  • The Masochism Tango: The Alpha Couple are the epitome of this trope.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • "Pure Love": "Hey, what are you doing, my love? / Hey, didn't i just tell you that such a thing would be over and above what's called for in this case? / Pull the ski mask away from your face. / It won't be necessary."
    • "Cut Off Their Thumbs" is about a hostage situation that almost surely will not end well.
    • "Ezekiel 7 and the Permanent Efficacy of Grace": "Someone will need to mop this floor for me."
    • The live cover of Furniture Huschle's "Terror Song."
    • The last verse of "Autoclave":

 I dreamt that I was perched atop a throne of human skulls

On a cliff above the ocean, howling wind and shrieking seagulls

And the dream went on forever, one single static frame

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name

    • "New World Emerging Blues"
    • "The Autopsy Garland"

 "You don't want to see these guys without their masks on...or their gloves"

  1. "Lovecraft in Brooklyn", Sonny Liston in "Love Love Love", and "Song for Cleomenes", respectively