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Mr. Men[]
Mr. Tickle[]
- Catch Phrase: "I think somebody needs a TIIICKLE..."
- Friendly Tickle Torture: His defining trait is his obsession with tickling people.
- Innocently Insensitive: He tickles people whether they like it or not, but he doesn't mean harm.
- Keet: And how!
- Nice Hat
- Rubber Man: He can stretch his arms to tickle people. His legs can also stretch, but not as frequently.
- Signature Laugh: A "Huhuhuh!" kind of chuckle in the US dub.
- Your Answer to Everything: Tickles!
Mr. Happy[]
- Broken Smile: Has sported one of these a few times.
- Catch Phrase: "WONDERFUUUUL!"
- Large Ham
- Perpetual Smiler: Even if he's not actually glad, he'll still smile, whether it's a Broken Smile or a nervous smile.
- Smiley Face
- Stepford Smiler: Possibly.
Mr. Nosy & Mr. Small[]
Mr. Bump[]
- Butt Monkey: He gets injured all the time. He's covered in bandages for a good reason.
- Catch Phrase: "Poopity-poop."
- The Chew Toy
- Large Ham
- Oh Crap: Essentially what his Catch Phrase is.
Mr. Messy[]
- Keet: And how!
- Non Standard Character Design: Instead of having a solid shape, he's a bunch of pink squiggles.
- Odd Couple: With Mr. Persnickety/Fussy.
- The Pig Pen: He has some rather revolting habits, especially to a Neat Freak like Mr. Persnickety/Fussy.
Mr. Nervous[]
- Blind Without'Em: Though not as much as Miss Whoops.
- Lovable Coward
- Nervous Wreck: He's defined by his fear of everything.
Mr. Noisy[]
Mr. Lazy[]
- Adaptation Dye Job: He was white with a blue hat in the original books, but in The Mr. Men Show he is green with a red hat.
- Blinding Hat
- Brilliant but Lazy: He'd rather build machines to do the work for him.
- Lazy Bum
- Nice Hat
Mr. Funny[]
Mr. Persnickety/Fussy[]
- Bow Ties Are Cool
- Butt Monkey
- Large Ham
- Neat Freak
- "No Respect" Guy
- Odd Couple: With Mr. Messy.
- Only Sane Man
Mr. Bounce[]
Mr. Strong[]
- Catch Phrase: "Aw, pickles! I hardly touched it!"
- Does Not Know His Own Strength
- Top-Heavy Guy
- World's Strongest Man
Mr. Grumpy[]
- Big Ol' Unibrow: Type I.
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "Crooked cucumbers!"
- Deadpan Snarker
- Grumpy Bear
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Nice Hat
- Only Sane Man
- Surrounded by Idiots
Mr. Quiet[]
- Adaptation Dye Job: He used to be brown in the original books, but is light blue in The Mr. Men Show.
- Big Ol' Unibrow: Type II.
- Butt Monkey: Of course, since he's quiet, he often gets dragged into loud and often dangerous situations.
- Only Sane Man
- The Quiet One
Mr. Tall[]
- Gentle Giant: Though he's really only a giant in the sense that he has long legs.
Mr. Rude[]
- Deadpan Snarker
- French Jerk
- Gasshole
- Running Gag: Whenever he passes gas, a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Miss angrily shout "Mr. Rude!"
- Surrounded by Idiots
Mr. Scatterbrain[]
- Catch Phrase: "Where is my head?"
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Ditz
- Friend to All Living Things
- Nice Hat
Mr. Stubborn[]
- Big Ol' Unibrow: Type I.
- Catch Phrase: "This (x) is CHEAP!"
- The Determinator: Sometimes to the point of being Too Dumb to Live.
- The Unfettered
Little Misses[]
Little Miss Bossy[]
Little Miss Naughty[]
- Catch Phrase: "I just can't help myself!"
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Wears a green bow in her hair.
- Evil Foreigner: A mild case.
- Evil Laugh
- Girlish Pigtails
- The Prankster
- Rose-Haired Girl
Little Miss Sunshine[]
- Distaff Counterpart: To Mr. Happy.
- The Ditz
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Red ribbons at the end of her pigtails.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair of Gold
- Name's the Same: Not to be confused with that movie with the dysfunctional family and the beauty pageant.
- Youthful Freckles
Little Miss Helpful[]
- Catch Phrase: "Just trying to be helpful."
- The Ditz
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Green bows in her pigtails.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Stop Helping Me!: Doesn't always help, especially to Butt Monkey characters.
Little Miss Magic[]
Little Miss Giggles[]
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Yellow bows in her pigtails.
- Girlish Pigtails
- The Hyena
- Youthful Freckles
Little Miss Chatterbox[]
Little Miss Curious[]
- Constantly Curious
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: A blue bow on her ponytail.
- Idiot Ponytail: Shaped like a question mark.
Little Miss Scary[]
Little Miss Whoops[]
- Annoying Younger Cousin: To Mr. Bump.
- Catch Phrase: "Whoops~" and "Don't worry, I'm a trained professional."
- The Ditz
- Blind Without'Em
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Wears a pink bow on her head.
- The Klutz
- Meganekko
Little Miss Calamity[]
- Born Unlucky: Was said to be "nothing but bad luck" in one episode.
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "What a calamity!"
- The Chew Toy
- Put on a Bus: In Season 2.
- Slapstick Knows No Gender
- Walking Techbane
Little Miss Daredevil[]
- Genki Girl
- Little Miss Badass: Rarely do we see her not gearing up to do some sort of wild stunt.
- Nice Helmet
- Plucky Girl