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  • The ending, naturally, especially since it's dedicated to the memory of Jim Henson and Muppeteer Richard Hunt.
  • A more out-there example, but Steve Whitmire said that he was very nervous about taking over as the voice of Kermit. The night before he began production, he had a dream that he met Jim Henson in a hotel lobby. He told Jim his fears and Jim assured him that he'd do just fine.
  • Clara's reaction to Scrooge giving her and Fred the Christmas presents. She's just so happy that he's there and her surprised smile just sets the whole thing up brilliantly. Doubles as a CMOF for Fred's face.
  • After Scrooge's conversion, he heads out "to wish Merry Christmas to all the world" and runs into Dr. Honeydew and Beaker (the charity collectors). He asks them to put him down for a very large amount, saying that "a great many back-payments are included." In gratitude, Beaker slips his scarf off and gives it to Scrooge, who is driven almost to tears and laughter by his first Christmas present.
  • Gonzo narrates the ending and Rizzo asks him, "but what about... Tiny Tim?", obviously worried. He is elated when Gonzo tells him Tiny Tim did not die! It's a very small but uplifting moment.
  • Right after the awkward moment where Rizzo produces a bag of jelly beans he thought he'd lost, he quickly leans in and kisses Gonzo's nose.