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The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog is an animated children's series originating in Canada and France that explores science and nature with critical thinking and pro bono detective work. It takes place in a small town carved out of a forest known as Gnarly Woods, and involves a trio of pre-adolescents trying to solve the mysteries surrounding strange events. Alfred keeps a cool head and figures it all out logically, while Milo adds entertainment by being panicky and believing in the unnatural. Camille balances out the two boys. Viewers learn about natural phenomena through this show.
- Adjusting Your Glasses: Milo Skunk does this by the frame; Helmut the sculptor does it by the side.
- Alpha Bitch: Cynthia Payne, half the time.
- Anime Hair: Alfred and his family.
- Also, Polly Porcupine. It seems to be the animators' way of depicting hair for species that have quills.
- Animesque
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: Oakly the Beaver and Victor Vole.
- Beach Episode: "Cabana Drama."
- The Big Guy: Milo Skunk.
- Bottle Episode: "Ol' Fingerbone's Revenge!" takes place entirely in Hedgequarters.
- Butt Monkey: Milo Skunk.
- Catch Phrase:
- This is serious mysterious.
- Time for a clue review.
- Cheerful Child: Lili Hedgehog.
- The Chick: Camille Wallaby.
- City of Adventure: Gnarly Woods.
- Civilized Animals: Oakly Beaver, Victor Vole, Lugubrious Turtle, Loomis the Cougar, J.J. Raccoon and Chloe Owl in the main cast.
- Cute Little Fangs: Mr. Rusard and Dr. Anna. Both are foxes.
- Fox Boy, Fox Girl, and the wolf characters from Black Forest also have these. Basically, the ones with Cute Little Fangs in this show are the canine and vulpine characters.....and Razzy
- Easy Amnesia or just Trauma-Induced Amnesia: After Grizz regains consciousness from a concussion, he can't remember the last few moments before he got it or just how he got it. Dr. Anna uses the word "amnesia" to describe it.
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Almost every other episode utilizes this.
- Usually, they're laughing at themselves for getting so worked up over a simple situation.
- Everything Is Online: Most of the research is done via computer and other media.
- Subverted a few times when the answers come from books, or from other characters.
- Eyes Half Open: Mr. Remy and his son Edgar, both of whom are moles. Subverted as Mr. Remy's daughter (possibly) does not have this, but her eyes are smaller then all of the other females.
- Feather Fingers: Chloe.
- Four-Fingered Hands: All of the anthro characters have them.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble:
- Choleric - Alfred
- Sanguine - Camille
- Phlegmatic - Milo
- Melancholic - Cynthia
- Fun with Acronyms: Cynthia's mineral water is called Gnarly Rockin' Extreme Energy Drink.
- Funny Animal: The community of Gnarly Woods.
- Furry Confusion: Animal characters come in feral (unintelligent, purely animal), semi-feral (intelligent, but having non-humanoid bodies), and humanoid forms.
- Lampshaded when Cynthia complains about a trouble-making feral bird and a joke is made that points out that Cynthia is also a trouble-making bird.
- Gentle Giant: Grizz Kodiak.
- Hollywood Chameleons: Whoever wrote "The Invisible Visitor" must not have had access to research materials or wasn't willing to double-check.
- Hot Mom: Mrs. Hedgehog
- Hot Springs Episode: "Bubble Trouble."
- Kid Hero: Alfred Hedgehog.
- Limited Wardrobe
- Lovable Coward: Milo Skunk.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Two of Cynthia's three friends, Louise and Tina. They share the combined name of actress Tina Louise, who played Ginger in Gilligan's Island.
- Plucky Girl: Cynthia Payne.
- The Power of Friendship
- Power Trio:
- Ego - Alfred
- Superego - Camille
- Id - Milo
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Rudy the gardener and Grizz Kodiak. Though Grizz has his moments of being very affectionate and giving "bear hugs".
- Sick Episode: Alfred has a headcold in "The Blue Mystery." Which Camille, Milo, and Cynthia end up getting at the end of the episode. Another episode had everybody in Gnarly Woods becoming sick due to an over-abundance of something in the air.
- Species Surname: The Hedgehog Family, among others.
- Stealth Pun: Mrs. Radley lives in a creepy house. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a son or grandson named Boo.
- Given that the title of the episode where she's discovered refers to "Boo Radley's House", it's likely that her husband was named Boo.
- Or that she had earned the nickname at some point in the past.
- Given that the title of the episode where she's discovered refers to "Boo Radley's House", it's likely that her husband was named Boo.
- Strictly Formula: The basic plotlines involve the following...
- a mystery that needs investigating.
- clues to determine why the mystery occurred.
- a review of the clues that make up the solution to the mystery.
- Three clues shalt thou collect, and the number of the clues collected shall be three. Four clues shalt thou not collect, nor collect thou two, unless proceeding directly to three. Five is right out.
- Subverted a few times, when the clues are insufficient to solve the case. Or when a clue turns out not to be a real clue.
- At least one of the mandatory three clues will be something heard, smelled, tasted or touched rather than seen. Use all five of those senses, kids!
- Surfer Speak: Helmut.
- Tagalong Kid: Lili Hedgehog.
- Talking Animal: Several wild animal characters, including Lugubrious the Turtle and Winston the Moose, fall into this category.
- Three Amigos: Alfred, Camille and Milo.
- The Wiki Rule: Can be found right here: http://mysteriesofalfredhedgehog.wikia.com/wiki/Mysteries_of_Alfred_Hedgehog_Wiki
- Token Trio: Alfred, Camille and Milo.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Alfred, Camille and Milo.
- Two-Teacher School: Mr. Thomas (The Principal) and Mr. Rusard.
- There are obviously not enough students to warrant a larger teaching staff.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In a cast of mostly normal fur/hair colors very few stand out. Two being Cynthia's cousins, Tina and Louise. Tina has indigo-purple hair and Louise has pink hair.