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  • Crazy Awesome: Elodin, at times.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Some of Kvothe's scenes with Denna dive right into this.
  • Ear Worm: "Jackass, Jackass" is deliberately written to be one.
  • Marty Stu: Kvothe may be considered to be an idealised character to the point where he approaches this trope (highly intelligent, charming, attractive, tough). On the other hand, he has certain flaws that even he himself doesn't seem to notice and that do play a meaningful role in the narrative. More to the point, he makes mistakes, bad ones, that result in genuine consequences for him, which should disqualify him right there. The general consensus seems to be that he's too well-written as a character to be a real Marty Stu, possibly verging into a Deconstruction of one or of The Ace, and it's worth noting that he was on the "Likeable Sue" page while we had one.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The Chandrian. Any scene in which they appear or are mentioned is enough to freak the hell out of most people reading the book. Much of the fear surrounding the Chandrian (for in-universe characters and the readers both) is the fact that we know hardly anything about them. No clear motives, no patterns, not even how many of them there are (some say one, others seven). Just "Lightning from a clear blue sky". And trying to find out details makes bad things happen.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Kote was a caravan guard until he took an arrow to the knee.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: Some readers think Kvothe's very slowly developing romance with Denna takes up too much time. In the second book, Kvothe acknowledges that he has to woo her extremely slowly, for fear of scaring her off.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: If we can trust the story Skarpi told Kvothe Lanre/Haliax certainly fits. Depending on whether you think story-within-a story tropes count, it might fit even if it's not true.