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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • Watching The Nostalgia Critic gave me a Fridge Brilliance moment for The Neverending Story 2. The Critic complains that Bastian could just wish for Fantasia to be saved and be done with it, but think about it. The last time Bastian interacted with Fantasia, Atreyu got sent on a grand quest to find a human child, only to be told that He Was Reading About You All Along. And, the threat to Fantasia is a manifestation of humanity's growing apathy towards dreams and stories. Again. A quick resolution might not keep Fantasia safe for very long. - Classified
    • Funny you should say that, because he did the same for me for The Neverending Story 3. After all his lamenting about how out-of-character the characters were, I began to think, and I came to realise: They are so out of character for a reason! At the point where Bastion comes across Falkor, the Nastys already have a hold of the book and are messing around with the story. Considering the fact that they are probably barely literate, and most definitely don't read, all their ideas of characters would be pretty much retarded. Take the Rockbiter and family, for instance: They are essentially a fantastic sitcom, because HEY, this was the nineties, so the Nastys probably watch almost nothing but sitcoms. He sings a stupid rock song because HEY, rock songs are cool! let's have him sing one while on his awesome hog! - The Real CJ
  • A lot of people expressed confusion at the scene in the first film where Artax drowns in the Swamp of Sadness. However, horses are very good at sensing human emotions, which is one reason why they're used as therapy animals. That's probably why Artax couldn't stop the sadness from getting to him.