The New Heroes (Quantum Prophecy Stateside) is a trilogy of novels by Irish author Michael Carroll. The books are set in a universe where superheroes and supervillains were commonplace until 10 years previously, when every one of them vanished. The books detail the adventures of three young superhumans: Colin, Danny and Renata, the first of the new generation of superheroes to come along.
Sometimes subverts the conventions of the superhero genre and sometimes gleefully embraces them.
The three books are:
- The Quantum Prophecy (The Awakening)
- Sakkara (The Gathering)
- Absolute Power
Tropes used in The New Heroes include:
- Action Girl (Renata and Stephanie)
- Action Mom: Caroline continued to fight as Energy after she gave birth to Colin. Even after she loses her powers, she can still take care of her fair share of mooks, stand up to Dioxin and make everyone in Sakkara do his or her homework.
- Badass Normal (Sol, Razor)
- Brought to You by The Letter "S" (Titan)
- Cloning Blues
- Dark Age of Supernames (Too many to mention, but the worst offender is probably shapeshifter Fa çade.)
- Embarrassing Middle Name (Razor's real name is Garland Lighthouse. He won't tell anyone his middle name.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Danny
- The Lancer: Colin - thinks he's The Hero
- The Big Guy: Renata
- The Smart Guy: Razor - pretends to be the big guy.
- The Chick(s): Butler, Mina
- Flying Brick Titan, formerly. Colin also develops the power of flight towards the middle parts of the third novel.
- Gadgeteer Genius (Multiple. Most notably Razor unexpectedly morphs into this from Sakkara onwards.)
- Heel Face Turn (Yvonne, at the end of Sakkara.)
- Human Popsicle (Renata for 10 years)
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold (Razor, Book 1)
- Knight Templar (Max Dalton)
- Knight Templar Parent
- Ordinary High School Student (Colin and Danny, at the start of the books)
- The Obi-Wan (Sol, from the second book on.)
- Parental Abandonment (Everyone but Colin to some extent.)
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock (Facade who ended up stuck as Danny's Dad Quantum. It didn't work out too badly for him and he went on to raise Quantum's kid, have a child with Quantum's wife and pretty much be a much better dad to Danny than Quantum ever could.
- Superpowerful Genetics
- You're Not My Father (To poor Facade)