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  • When Powell first shows up at Rachel Cooper's farm looking for John and Pearl, he gives her a fake sob story and pulls the same "good vs. evil" performance with his hands that he used to win over Willa and the Spoons. Rachel listens to him impassively before bringing out John and Pearl. Once John confirms for her that Powell is a liar, she rather epically reveals that she wasn't buying his bullshit for a second.

 John: "He ain't my dad."

Rachel: "No. And he ain't no preacher neither!"

    • It gets even better in that same scene when Powell chases Pearl under the porch trying to get her and her doll. Rachel gets a shotgun, points it at him, and makes it clear she is fully prepared to kill him if he doesn't get off her property. The look on Powell's face when he realizes that not only does Rachel see through him, but that she absolutely will not let him have his way is priceless, especially after watching that Smug Snake fool almost everyone else in the movie so far.