The Chick trying to kill herself in her review of City of Angels. There's something just...wrong about seeing her breathe in a plastic bag.
Likewise, when the rapping comes into Sister Act II, she begs them to stop with apologies and Please, I Will Do Anything!. If you know her at all, you'll get that shenever does that, so it makes it unsettling.
Her review of "Top 10 Disturbing and Inescapable Christmas songs" has a few instances:
When she slows down a chipmunks song to normal speed (making the whole thing sound horribly distended and making the lyrics unnerving) while showing creepy images in black and white (old horror movies, Domestic Abuse, Stuff Blowing Up, ect) and herself miming to it with creepy gestures (and at one point her image becomes blurred so that her face looks like a skull, and it's not helped by the, um, expression).
When she impersonates the dad of the boy from the Christmas Shoes in an incredibly creepy manner while The Joker's music from The Dark Knight Saga plays.
The first appearance of Dark Nella. Bonus points for a Nothing Is Scarier vibe before we see her and right after, Chick locked in the fridge and screaming over the credits.
She's a horrible person, but it's still scary to see Dr. Tease looking terrified and in pain when Dark Nella destroys her.
We get the delightful image of a completely ruined Chicago in part one of her Roland Emmerich episode, complete with being covered in a sickly green light.
Her breakdown in that same review is too hilarious to be creepy, but her earlier screeching at Matthew Broderick - about how does he know the exposition he's spouting - comes out unexpected and will at least make you jump.
She does her best to keep it funny, but the scenes of animal abuse she shows from the film make the Milo and Otis review very hard to watch.
The Armageddon review ends and the Bratz review opens with the Critic tranquilizing the Chick, locking her in a basement and making some incredibly creepy comments. Even though he loses the power and what he's doing ends up sweet, it still comes off as rape-y.
It's seen as Fan Service more often because of the Double Standard involved, but the end of the Transformers review where the Chick chloroforms the Critic, hushes him while he screams and fondles his neck while giggling is also pretty bad for implications. That the next episode states that she apparently does this a lot doesn't help.