According to Elisa, the Chick character was influenced by Mike Nelson from Mystery Science Theater 3000 .
The Nostalgia Chick's video on the history of women in cartoons was titled The Smurfette Principle , and it featured her referring to herself as the Distaff Counterpart of the Critic. That's right — she gave a Shout-Out to this very wiki!
Gets better, in her review of the concepts behind Cinderella , she straight up says calls out the site by name when mentioning the concept of the Woobie .
During "Top 10 Disturbing and Inescapable Christmas Songs " piece, she points out how creepy the Chipmunks Christmas song is by playing it at normal speed. To emphasize the creepiness, she splices in shots from Metropolis of the scene where the False Maria drives men mad with her dance.
She often refers to breasts as tracts of land .
"Someone's got a case of the not-gays."
(at Hercules ' macguffin) Where'd you get that. Hey. I said where did you get that.
She called the audience "my lovelies" at the end of her Showgirls part one review and in her episode on Guilty Pleasure music.
Her Driven to Madness breakdown in the Roland Emmerich review apparently shares similarities to his breakdown in Baby's Day Out .
During her Hercules review she does Plinkett's "Silence, crickets then asking the characters questions"
Side-by-side comparisons of Andrew Lloyd Webber and a frog. (Shades of George Lucas and Dexter Jettster)
"Top 10 Worst Disney sequels": "LAZY "
"What Women Want" has a Sinatra song playing in the background.
In the "Kirk vs. Picard" video, Nella has a K-9 model behind her.
In the Thumbelina review, she's wearing a WALL-E t-shirt.
She does the Critic's "Wha-whaaa-whaaaaa?" joke in her review of Pocahontas .
Also in that review, when talking about Cindy's passivity, "Paranoid Android" by Radiohead is playing in the background.
Her Guilty Pleasure music episode has "or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ke$ha ".
In Grease II , The Makeover Fairy's hair seems reminiscent of Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings .
Todd sings the country song "I hate everything" before he's forced to get a makeover.
When she's trying to get Will Smith out of Shark Tale , she says she'll take him back to "West Philadelphia, born and raised ".
The Dark Nella saga had a Megamind reference in every episode.
The Chick pronounces "melancholy" like he does.
The conversation over Mignon's name in the X-Men review is another pronunciation gag.
A choir sings "Daaaaaark Nellllaaa", spoofing the "Black Mamba" chorus.
Two settings on the microwave when Dark Nella fries her old Star Trek shirt are the same as Megamind's dehydration gun.
In Anastasia , her cellphone ringtone is "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap .
In My Little Pony , Nella's t-shirt reads "I need more cowbell ".
Seen writing Legolas By Laura (Fanfic) in a flashback during the Christmas Shoes episode.
Maven dresses up like Elvira in her Parody Commercial of what a real vampire perfume should be like.
"Rule number one! We DO NOT talk about the rape rap! "
"And as we all know: water plus witch equals sad times! "