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  • In the review of The Room, at the end:

 Nostalgia Critic: *smiling* Oh yes! I remember that magic element that was mean to bring back the evil that was almost destroyed... in fact, I was there. (background music starts to play; serious expression) I was there when the strength of men fell.

  • flashback starts*

Nostalgia Critic: Throw it into the fire!

  • Mario stares quietly with the element in his hands, thinking*

Nostalgia Critic: *desperate* Destroy it!

Mario: *calmly* A-no. Suck my big fat meatballs. *Mario runs away*

Nostalgia Critic: Mario... MARIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Nostalgia Critic: (narrating; flashback ends) It should have ended that day, but there were no strength left in the world of plumbers. *back to normal* Anyway...


  "I'm the messiah, I'm the messiah, hallelujah!"
