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  • Executive Meddling: MCA kicked William Lee Golden out of the band in 1987 and replaced him with Steve Sanders (formerly the rhythm guitarist in their road band), as an attempt to target a younger audience. Golden recorded a solo album for MCA and later sued the label, but the suit was settled out of court. Golden rejoined in 1995.
  • Name's the Same: They released two different songs called "Come On In" about 7 years apart. The latter was subtitled "Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do)" to avoid confusion, although Allmusic credits the former as being written by the writer of the latter.
  • The Pete Best: Any of the pre-1973 members.
  • Throw It In: According to Joe Bonsall, the group was having difficulty finding the right sound for "I Guess It Never Hurts to Hurt Sometimes" until producer Ron Chancey caught him doing an impromptu Bee Gees impersonation in the bathroom. He then had Bonsall do the song in a Bee Gees-esque falsetto, and it worked.