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  • Covered Up:
    • "Elvira" was first released in 1966 by its writer, Dallas Frazier. Rodney Crowell also released a version before the Oaks covered it. They also Covered Up Crowell's "Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight".
    • "I Wish You Could Have Turned My Head (And Left My Heart Alone)" was first released by its writer, Sonny Throckmorton.
    • "Change My Mind", one of their last chart entries, was later a Top 10 hit for John Berry in 1996.
    • Their It's Only Natural album (a Cracker Barrel exclusive) includes a cover of "Louisiana Red Dirt Highway", a song that Golden released during his solo career five years before he rejoined the band.
  • Epic Riff: Richard Sterban's bass vocal in "Elvira" ("Giddyup, ba oom papa oom papa mow mow") is one of the most remembered riffs in country music.
  • Sugar Wiki/Heartwarming: The music video for "No Matter How High", where all four Oaks reunite with their mothers.