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OldDarkHouse1 6240

The Old Dark House is a Universal Horror movie from the year 1932. It is based on the 1927 novel Benighted by J.B. Priestley. It was directed by James Whale and features Boris Karloff among its cast. Both men previously contributed to the 1931 Frankenstein.

In the countryside of Wales, several people are caught upon a raging storm and seek shelter from a mansion they encounter. There they meet the dysfunctional Femm family and their brutish servant, Morgan. As the night continues, the troubled past of the Femm family starts to threaten our heroes, mainly in the form of the locked-up and dangerously crazy Saul.

In 1963, William Castle directed a comedic version of the story, which wasn't so well received as the original.

It was a Dark and Stormy Night, and the following tropes made themselves apparent:[]

In 1963, further tropes took a step into the light:[]