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The Only Way Is Essex (2010-) is ITV2's answer to Jersey Shore or The Hills, set in the county of Essex.

Known for its fake tan, big cars and party lifestyle, it follows the lives of the Essex 'rich kids' who are friends, as well as the people around them - making it a big cast of characters.

Despite being a reality TV show, it does set up some of the events for entertainment purposes, but how far this happens is debatable...

This series provides examples of:

  • Anti Role Model: Mark to Joey. So much so that when Joey chats Lucy up, she walks off as soon as she hears he wants to be just like Mark.
  • Batman Gambit: Used by Arg, and Joey, plus Amy Childs, Maria and Lydia at various points in the show.
  • Breakout Character: Arg in series 1, definitely Joey Essex in series 2.
    • So much so that Arg is upgraded to main cast in series 2 and Joey gets a whole episode revolving round his date with Sam.
  • Butt Monkey: Arg... whether it's Mark telling him to sort out all the "timber" Arg has put on or his ex, Lydia, or her mum, Debbie, screeching at him, Arg always seems to be on the recieving end.
    • Subverted somewhat because everyone loves Arg, and he's a very talented singer.
  • Captain Obvious: Joey Essex tells Sam he knew she wouldn't like him taking her to the tip on their first date.
    • Also when asked who the prime minister is, Joey replies it's "that geezer..."
    • "Did you know England and Ireland are different countries?" asks Amy.
  • Catch Phrase: TOWIE has spawned many...
    • Mark's constant use of "plum" or "plank" to Arg.
    • "JAAAAMMEEESSSS!!" by both Lydia and her mum, Debbie, when annoyed with Arg.
    • Joey Essex in season 2 spawned "reem", before going on to call a pair of trainers "rarmus" in the next episode, before topping it off with "rarmus, reemus, reem, rarm" in the same scene.
      • "REEM TEAM!" at Gemma's pub quiz
      • Even narrator Denise Van Outen gets in on it when the disclaimer at the start of an episode says the show contains "people looking reem".
  • Enemy Mine: It's believed that this will happen in the next series, according to a post on a forum.
  • 419 Scam: According to Twitter, fans have been asking for a Very Special Episode on this.
  • Gambit Roulette: Amy Childs and Maria Fowler play this Up to Eleven on occasion.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters
  • Not in This For Your Revolution: Lydia Bright and Gemma.
  • Pixellation: Will happen in the next series.
  • Sidekick: Mark and Arg; Harry and Amy; Kirk and his dad, Mickey
  • Tempting Fate: In The Only Way Is Essexmas, Arg says to Amy at the reveal of girlband LOLA's fourth member that he's tense because he has to keep looking over his shoulder in case Lydia shows up. Just as he says this, she does.
  • The Chessmaster: Amy Childs and Chloe Sims do this Up to Eleven to get what they want or need, especially (if internet forums are considered a source) for Amy to obtain her beauty therapists' uniforms.
    • Amy Childs is one of the few female ones on reality TV. And Chloe Sims.
  • The Plan: Used several times throughout the show. Amy Childs is a particular user of this trope, as is Maria Fowler too. Plus, Lauren Goodger too, need we say more... Plus Chloe as well too.
  • Very Special Episode: One about Amy Childs, and TWO about Lauren Goodger in the new series...
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: As per the above two examples.