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The Other Side of Tomorrow is a The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius fanfic by Mara S., owner of the JN fansite Dream of Jimmy.
It can be found on Fanfiction.net here.
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Tropes used in The Other Side of Tomorrow include:
- Ace Pilot: Aurora
- Action Girl: April and Aurora
- Air Vent Passageway: The heroes use them to break into the base and they are filled with moving water.
- Alien Lunch: April's delicacy, Tek nok shii-len
- Alien Sky: The Desert Planet from Chapter 6, which has multiple suns, and Planet Gorlock, which has a crimson-tinted sky.
- Aliens Speaking English: Can't really be helped, since the original series did this.
- The Alliance: Gorlock High Council and its allies.
- All Monks Know Kung Fu: Established in the actual series, though some attempt was made to play up the Asian character of Shangri Llama.
- Alternate History: beginning with Libby's 12th birthday party
- Alternate Universe: Self explanatory. This trope isn't played wholly straight, however, since the gang from the original universe stays intact and in character, but end up as spectators/participants in another universe.
- Anywhere but Their Lips: Future Sheen and Future Libby. Sorry.
- Applied Phlebotinum: most of the technology, especially anything made by Jimmy. "Why does it work? Because it's SCIENCE!"
- Arch Enemy: Aurora and DJ, though she views their rivalry to be more significant than he does.
- Arranged Marriage: Future Libby and Future Sheen; subverted by the fact that they actually had romantic inclinations anyway.
- Art Evolution: Mara, the author, has gotten better at drawing in the years the story has gone on.
- The Atoner: There is some indication that Future Jimmy will become this after he's cured.
- Badass: Practically everyone.
- Badass Longcoat: Nav
- Badass Normal: April, most notably.
- Beast and Beauty: Future Sheen and Future Libby, with a twist
- Berserk Button: Dictator Jimmy is a master at pushing all of Aurora's.
- Beta Couple: April and Nav. Arguably, also Future Sheen and Future Libby, although theirs is more of an actual romance than the main couple, who lurk somewhere in Masochism Tango Belligerent Sexual Tension Almost Kiss Foe Yay territory. Also, the romance between the kids, which is treated like something that might actually happen between kids, i.e. nothing excessive.
- Big Bad: Dictator Jimmy
- Blind Seer: Tuyen
- Broken Bird: Aurora.
- Casual Danger Dialogue: All over the place, although Nav and April particularly enjoy flaunting this trope.
- The Chessmaster: Dictator Jimmy
- The Chick: Future Libby, to an extent.
- The Chosen One: both Sheen and Future Sheen, as far as the Monks of Shangri Llama are concerned. This is, of course, a holdover from the show.
- Cliff Hanger: Mwa. Mwahahaha.
- Collective Groan: Numerous times, especially among the kids
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Subverted by the fact that both the protagonist and antagonist wear blue (red being the traditional color of evil).
- Continuity Nod: A crapload, especially to "The Tomorrow Boys", "Win, Lose and Kaboom", and "Crouching Jimmy Hidden Sheen".
- Cool Starship: The Desperado, the Shahada, and the Half Life
- Corrupt Church: Numeria, according to Nav.
- Curse Cut Short: Happens a lot. Then at the end there actually is a lot of swearing.
- Darker and Edgier: Full stop. Although, to be fair, the fic simply takes the relationships between the characters and the tone of the original show to their logical extremes.
- Dark and Troubled Past: all the kids, after Jimmy gets exposed to the megalomanium.
- Deadpan Snarker: The characters take turns, but Cindy fills this role more often than not.
- Death Is Dramatic: Nav's final scene, anyone?
- Damsel in Distress: Future Libby, very, very briefly after she is accosted by DJ and thrown in FS's prison cell. Though, considering the circumstances, she behaved rather admirably.
- Double Entendre: so many, many things.
- Dreaming of Things to Come: Tuyen's future-forecasting ability; Jimmy's dream in "Suffer the Fate of Atlantis" is another example of this.
- Dumbass Has a Point: Sheen, when he suggests that they should use Jimmy's Air Gum to aid in their impending infiltration of DJ's base.
- Emotional Torque: Taken to a literal extreme in the Emotion Rooms.
- Mr. Fanservice: Nav. His fangirl following is notorious. Also DJ and Future Sheen, if you're into that sorta thing.
- Evil Versus Evil: Criminals fighting...well, more criminals. The main bad guy is one of the seven most wanted criminals in the galaxy, and so is one of the main good guys. Go figure.
- Fan Service: Face it. It happens.
- Faster-Than-Light Travel: a staple of all good space fiction; in this case it takes the form of the Hyperdrive. This goes hand in hand with inertialdampeners.
- Fighting From the Inside: Dictator Jimmy, as it turns out. So much so that his non-megalomanium side was involved in a decade-long Batman Gambit against his evil side. Too bad it didn't work...
- Fluffy the Terrible: April's pet Loof-loof.
- Future Me Scares Me: Jimmy and his future self.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Jimmy.
- Genre Savvy: Nav, Nav, Nav. He's even a Star Wars fan.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: DJ is a particularly ruthless example of this trope, though he indulges in some good ol' fashioned Evil Gloating when around Aurora. Nav eats this trope for breakfast.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Back when it was on nick.com, that was practically the goal of this fanfic.
- Foreshadowing: It's there, sometimes to Fridge Brilliance levels.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Future Sheen's left eye, when he's being all Brainwashed and Crazy
- The Gunslinger: April and Nav, both probably falling under type B.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: April (Nav scored.)
- Hand Cannon: April's one true love.
- Heel Face Turn: Future Carl. Although he does specifically say that he only changed sides because the kids weren't going to harm Dictator Jimmy, only cure him.
- Heroic BSOD: Aurora almost has one of these when she sees that her copy of the antidote has been destroyed, though she quickly suppresses it.
- Hollywood Cyborg: Nav
- The Igor: Future Carl
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: an interesting inversion, since the villain uses this against the protagonist in order to weaken her resolve.
- Killed Off for Real: Nav, Future Goddard, and Aurora. She gets better, although at great personal cost
- La Résistance: The rebels. Partially subverted in that they are not a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, but rather a dangerous and influential criminal organization that the Galactic Law Enforcement won't even touch.
- Latex Space Suit: Aurora. And DJ. Haha.
- Loveable Rogue: Nav
- Love At First Punch: Nav with Aurora, though it's one-sided and in the past. Sort of.
- Love Triangle: April, Nav and Lee. Arguably DJ-Aurora-Nav as well.
- Manipulative Bastard: Dictator Jimmy, to a T.
- Mask Power: Aurora's silver mask, though she uses it to cover up vulnerabilities, not just because she's a very powerful character.
- Mecha-Mooks: DJ's creepy-crawly robot guards, though the trope is averted by the fact that they are actually quite dangerous (one almost gets Nav).
- The Messiah: Laudya (according to Nav: we've never actually met her)
- My Future Self and Me: pretty much the whole point of the fanfic.
- Old Master: Chen-Yu.
- Pair the Spares: Word of God says that Future Carl hooks up with Nav's little sister Laudya afterward.
- Pater Familicide: Inverted. The father isn't the one killing his family; rather it's the son who kills his parents (and practically everyone else on Earth).
- The Power of Love: subverted since, Future Libby didn't beat Future Sheen with any of that "Power of Love crap", but rather by smacking him over the head with a chunk of metal. Although, to be fair, he only let his guard down because he loved her, so...
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Or girl- April.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Dictator Jimmy to Aurora, and vice versa. He does a better job
- Rule of Cool
- Say My Name: A rather chilling example between DJ and Aurora, used to reinforce their 'old rivals' relationship before they start their current conflict.
- Shout-Out: Nav makes a ton of these to go with his Dangerously Genre Savvy nature.
- Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness: switches from cheesy jokes to Serious Business, sometimes in the same chapter. Whether or not this is Mood Whiplash will depend on your point of view.
- Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter: Aurora has one of these after her ship gets damaged above P24-505.
- Space Does Not Work That Way: Shut up, yes it does!
- Space Clothes: Brought to life spectacularly in volume 2, when Aurora and Libby go shopping for spacesuits.
- Spock Speak: All the Gorlocks, but especially April.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Loves this to death.
- Supernatural Martial Arts: Justified because of those crazy high-tech combat suits.
- Subtext: Dear God. This fanfic could probably be renamed "subtext", there's so much of it.
- Tagalong Kid(s): The Kids, subverted as they are the main characters at first.
- Techno Babble: Practically every other sentence that leaves Jimmy's mouth.
- Time Travel: time passes more quickly in the alternate universe (by a minuscule amount), resulting in a 10 year gap between the 2 universes.
- Torture Cellar: DJ's underground prison cells.
- Tragedy: TOSOT has elements of this, though the plot is not strictly a tragedy. Aurora can be classified as a tragic character, however, since her current position is the result of her own actions (spraying the megalomanium in Jimmy's face)
- Tsundere: Cindy
- Underwater Base DJ's villainous Lair on P24-505.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Poor, poor Lee. Word of God says he eventually becomes a Victorious Childhood Friend
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: need I explain?
- Villain Team-Up: The Gorlock High Council
- Wanted Poster Aurora keeps one of herself in her own room.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Nav, who has admitted to acts of terrorism on his own planet because he doesn't approve of the Corrupt Church that rules it.
- Which Me?: happens a lot, and is the reason for the awkward naming ("Future so-and-so")