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A Navy Seal is sent to babysit five obnoxious kids while their mother goes to Switzerland. What could possibly go wrong?

Vin Diesel stars in his first (and to date, only) family comedy. After a rescue mission to save a government scientist ends with the scientist dead and Navy Seal Shane Wolfe (Diesel) in the hospital, Shane is sent to protect the scientist's family while their mother goes to Zurich, Switzerland, to retrieve a deposit box her husband had left there. Initially, the five kids, Alpha Bitch wannabe Zoe, rebel without a cause Seth, Girl Firefly Scout Lulu, toddler Peter, and baby Tyler, cannot stand their new guardian and do everything they can think off to get him out. In response, Shane treats the family to some military style discipline.

They get word that their mother cannot get the box until she can supply the correct password, so she ends up staying for a lot longer. As time goes on, Shane finds himself warming up to the kids, and the feelings are eventually reciprocated. In the end, Shane becomes a surrogate father to the kids, and, with their help, he saves their father's research from falling into enemy hands.

Though not critcally acclaimed, receiving a 21% on Rotten Tomatoes, it performed exceptionally well at the box office, pulling in more than $115 million, more than twice its prodution cost. It's a reasonable, if somewhat derivative, family comedy. Most of the humor comes from Diesel performing the same tough guy he normally plays but applying it to domestic issues.

Tropes used in The Pacifier include:


  Shane: And they say war is hell.

  • Throw It In: The whole sequence with Lulu telling Shane she think he is cute was apparently an exact recreation of the first meeting between the young actress and Vin Diesel, including his bemused "Thanks?"
  • Time Compression Montage: Shows Shane warming up to the family, Zoe's driving skills improving, Seth practicing for the play, Lulu and her scouts learing martial arts, and Shane learning how to change a diaper.
  • Title Drop: Shane is describing his special ops wrestling grapples with one in particular (and his personal favorite) called "the Pacifier."
  • Token Romance: Shane and Claire
  • To the Pain: Shane describes the exact grapples he pulls on the wrestling coach as he is doing them.
  • Ungrateful Bitch: Shown during the Wild Teen Party below. Zoey is yelling at her boyfriend for inviting a whole bunch of people that she didn't know to her house for a party. After Shane gets back and makes them clean up the mess they made (which includes baloney plastered to the ceiling with mustard), she's upset...because her boyfriend will never speak to her again. Shane, being a SEAL, has the sense to call her out on that.
  • Wild Teen Party: While Shane is out with the scouts, Zoe throws a party. When he gets back, he has all the teens clean up their mess.