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The Panda Chronicles is a 2022 fanfiction based on Pixar's Turning Red.

It follows the adventures and antics of Mei and her friend gang, as well as 4*Town.

Tropes used in The Panda Chronicles include:
  • Abusive Parents: Tae-young has transphobic, overly-strict, emotionally abusive parents, whose influence gave him anxiety and body image issues.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Downplayed; Tae-young's name is spelled different from the canon spelling of Tae Young.
  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: The older 4*Town guys often ruffle Tae-young's hair, which he loves.
  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • Robaire is sometimes called Rob.
    • Tae-young has a variety of nicknames, the most common being Tae-bear.
  • Cassandra Truth: Downplayed in "Feeling Faint"; only Jesse doesn't believe when T says he's sick.
  • Catch Your Death of Cold:
    • In "Surface Pressure", Z catches a chill from sitting in the rain.
    • Exploited in "The Toaster's Toast"; to make Jesse think Tae-young is sick, Z opens the window on a cold morning to make it seem like it had been open all night.
  • Full Name Ultimatum: In "Feeling Faint", when Jesse gets angry with T, he uses his full name, Aaron Camilo Talavera.
  • Sick Episode:
    • "Sick Day", where all of 4*Town sans Robaire is sick.
    • "Hard to Stomach", where Jesse is knocked out with food poisoning.
    • An arc during Summer 2003 has T knocked down with pneumonia.