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  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Interestingly enough, Ginger's harrowing is perhaps the only happy moment in the entire game. Not that it ends well.
    • Did anyone else go d'awwww when you saw Robin jump on her wolf's back and get a piggyback ride from it?
    • If you let the Girl in White lead you back to the path, once you're there, she will hug you tightly before disappearing back into the forest.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: This song made by a fan excellently summarizes the feel of the game.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Most of the fan art for the game seems to be pairing up the girls with the human wolves. Carmen's is especially prettified, no longer appearing to be middle aged, bald, and frequently seems to get a Race Lift.
  • Epileptic Trees: Loads; this game is an epileptic orchard.
    • Reviewers describe the meaning behind the game as being as subjective as a puzzle of the night sky with nothing but perfectly square pieces. The creators are amused by all the wild interpretations, and have stated, "What you see in the game seems to speak more about yourself than the game."
  • Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory: A mindset necessary to the enjoyment of the game.
    • Taken quite literally by some; one of the interpretations is that the Girl in White symbolizes Jesus, and Grandmother's house is... guess what?
  • Fridge Horror: Three of the "wolves" are (or are in the form of) adult men, and combined with the imagery of broken or impaled beds at Grandmother's house, and the girl in the dog tent at the Woodsman's camp, the goal of the game has been interpreted as having each girl be raped. The game files refer to it more as murder. Although it's most likely not happening literally, and they come back at the end.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Again, Grandma's house, especially after encountering a wolf.
  • Paranoia Fuel: At least from a gameplay standpoint. Despite some references to the wolves possibly attacking you at any moment, they actually only appear in a specific area for each girl. Though, if you don't know where they are...
  • Sock Puppet: Check the date stamps. The various sisters talk to each other with comments only 1 minute apart.
  • Tear Jerker: Some of the girls are terribly troubled, and some of the things you have them do are so wrong that you can't help but feel sorry for them.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Scarlet's wolf. It's fairly easy to get confused.