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Main Characters[]

Bobby Pendragon

The main character of the series and the Traveler from Second Earth.

Mark Dimond

Bobby's best friend since childhood. Despite being a nerd while Bobby was a jock, the two got along very well and had many common interests.

Courtney Chetwynde

Bobby's girlfriend. After years of UST, they finally hooked up right before Bobby got sent away in the beginning of the series.

The Travelers[]

Press Tilton

Bobby's cool uncle and the one responsible for whisking him away to save the territories.

Saint Dane

The main antagonist of the series.


The Traveler from Zadaa.


Loor's mother. She's from the previous generation of Travelers.


The Traveler from Denduron. A young Bedoowan knight.

Vo Spader

The Traveler from Cloral. Works as an aquaneer.

Vincent "Gunny" Van Dyke

The Traveler from First Earth. Works as a bell captain at the Manhattan Tower Hotel.

Aja Killian

The Traveler from Veelox. Works as a phader for Lifelight.


The Traveler from Eelong. Works as a forager.

Nevva Winter

The Traveler from Quillan. For a while, anyway.

Elli Winter

Nevva's mother. She was supposed to be the Traveler from Quillan, but declined, so the job was passed to Nevva. After Nevva's betrayal, she took up the job in her absence.

Siry Remudi

The Traveler from Ibara. Appearing at first to be little more than a thieving delinquent, he revealed himself to Bobby as the leader of the Jakills, a gang of kids devoted to knowing the world beyond their island.

  • Rebel Leader: Subverted; the Jakills may have had a noble cause in mind, but they really didn't know what they were getting into.
  • Rebellious Spirit: By the time Bobby meets him, he has a complete distrust of authority and is flagrantly disregarding the laws.
  • Seeker Archetype: For much of his life, he sought out the truth about the island he lived on and the world beyond it.

Patrick Mac

The Traveler from Third Earth. Works as a teacher/librarian.

  • Badass Bookworm: In his prequel story, where he uses both his knowledge and his hiking experience to protect his class on an outdoors field trip gone wrong.

Other Characters[]

Andy Mitchell

A school bully who occasionally tormented Mark.


Kasha's acolyte and childhood friend.

Veego and LaBerge

A brother-and-sister duo who are in charge of the Quillan Games. LaBerge handles the creative side, while Veego runs the technical side.

Wu Yenza

Spader's boss. She later becomes his acolyte.


Loor's younger adoptive sister and later acolyte.

Alexander Naymeer