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Main Characters[]
Bobby Pendragon
The main character of the series and the Traveler from Second Earth.
- Action Survivor: Starts out as this.
- Big Man on Campus
- Catch Phrase: "And so we go."
- Deadpan Snarker
- First-Person Smartass
- The Hero
- Last-Name Basis: To anyone he meets on his adventures, he's known as Pendragon.
- Lovable Jock
- Magnetic Hero: To some extent.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Took a Level In Badass
- Why Did It Have To Be Snakes/Clowns?
Mark Dimond
Bobby's best friend since childhood. Despite being a nerd while Bobby was a jock, the two got along very well and had many common interests.
- Ace Pilot: After the time skip. Possibly foreshadowed by the driving skills he displays in the previous book.
- Adorkable
- Lovable Nerd
- Took a Level In Badass: During the time skip.
Courtney Chetwynde
Bobby's girlfriend. After years of UST, they finally hooked up right before Bobby got sent away in the beginning of the series.
- Alliterative Name: Sort of.
- Gray Eyes
- Heroic BSOD: Following the events of Black Water and the shifts in her life upon entering high school. Fortunately, she finds it in herself to climb out of her funk and take her life into her own hands. Hey, she isn't a Plucky Girl for nothing.
- Lovable Jock
- Mouthy Kid: She seems to grow out of it later on.
- Plucky Girl
- Victorious Childhood Friend
The Travelers[]
Press Tilton
Bobby's cool uncle and the one responsible for whisking him away to save the territories.
- Badass Longcoat
- Cool Uncle
- The Obi-Wan
- Time Abyss: Rivals Saint Dane in age.
- Travel Cool: Whether it's by expensive motorcycle or by fancy sports car, Press likes to travel in style.
Saint Dane
The main antagonist of the series.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Is described as wearing a black Asian suit.
- Bald of Evil: After Black Water.
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster: His plans reach across all of Halla.
- The End Of Halla As We Know It: Part of his final plan, see Omnicidal Maniac.
- Faux Affably Evil: Despite what he is, he can be VERY charming...
- A God Am I
- Humans Are Bastards: Believing and advocating this is what got him here.
- Icy Blue Eyes
- In Their Own Image: His end goal.
- Kick the Dog: Does this through the entire series, and even in his first appearance.
- Kill and Replace: Either the people he poses as suffered this, or they never existed at all, just being Saint Dane in disguise the entire time.
- Manipulative Bastard: This is the part of his Magnificent Bastardry that allows him to win and become ruler of Halla in the ninth book.
- Omnicidal Maniac: His end goal partially includes this. It entails killing the seventy thousand survivors of the ninth book's climax and destroying all the free will in Halla, as well as Halla itself. This would allow him to become the new god of the Dark Solara and new Halla.
- Physical God: Wants to become this, and is already damn close to one.
- Red Right Hand: His eyes, though he can change them as well as the rest of his physical form whenever he likes.
- Shapeshifter Default Form: A reasonably normal-looking, if tall and stylishly-dressed human, with those eyes of his being his defining characteristic.
- Notably, while it's popular in Fanon (and ended up supported by the graphic novel adaptation of the first book; his go-to official illustration, less so) to depict Saint Dane as a Sephiroth-looking White-Haired Pretty Boy, when Bobby gets a look at a younger Saint Dane when he gets physically rejuvenated in the tenth and final book, in what reads like a Shout-Out to the literary Dracula, then he admits with reluctance that the seemingly twenty-years-younger Saint Dane looks physically handsome.
- Take Over Halla
- Time Abyss: Is as old as sentient life itself.
- Villainous Crossdresser: Indulges in this a few times in the series.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The reason for his high supply of Paranoia Fuel.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He apparently started out this way.
- We Can Rule Together: Tries this on Bobby a few times.
- Xanatos Roulette: His plan that stretches across the entire series is either this, or one very long case of Xanatos Speed Chess.
The Traveler from Zadaa.
- Achilles Heel: She can't swim. Makes sense, seeing as she grew up in a desert.
- Action Girl
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Hot Amazon
- Proud Warrior Race Girl
- She Cleans Up Nicely
- The Stoic
Loor's mother. She's from the previous generation of Travelers.
The Traveler from Denduron. A young Bedoowan knight.
- Adorkable
- Cool Sword: According to his prequel story, it's called Falling Light.
- Parental Abandonment: His prequel story reveals that he's an orphan.
- Took a Level In Badass
Vo Spader
The Traveler from Cloral. Works as an aquaneer.
- Australian Accent
- Catch Phrase: "Hobey-ho!"
- Hot-Blooded
- Last-Name Basis
Vincent "Gunny" Van Dyke
The Traveler from First Earth. Works as a bell captain at the Manhattan Tower Hotel.
Aja Killian
The Traveler from Veelox. Works as a phader for Lifelight.
- Break the Haughty
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Hollywood Nerd/Hot Scientist
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: Her initial hostility towards Bobby was covering up a fear of losing her purpose as a Traveler.
- Insufferable Genius: Toned down considerably with her Character Development.
- Parental Abandonment: She's an orphan who grew up in a home for gifted kids.
- Teen Genius
- Tsundere: Type A
The Traveler from Eelong. Works as a forager.
- Achilles Heel: Like all klees, she is unable to swim.
- Action Girl
- Catfolk
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Eyes of Gold
- Missing Mom: A forager who was killed by tangs, inspiring Kasha's hatred of them and leading her to become a forager herself.
- Refusal of the Call: At first, because she didn't believe any of it was real.
Nevva Winter
The Traveler from Quillan. For a while, anyway.
- Brainy Brunette
- Child Prodigy: As a child, obviously.
- The Dragon
- Co-Dragons: Shared the position with Naymeer for a while.
- Evil Costume Switch
- Freudian Excuse: Discussed in-series.
- Manipulative Bitch: Seen in her dealings with Mark.
- Meaningful Name: She is the girl who never should have been. Both because her role as the Traveler of Quillan was originally meant to go to Elli, and because her very existence — as a Traveler born, rather than created — was something completely unanticipated.
- The Mole
- Parental Abandonment: Her father died and her mother disappeared.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: She learns it from Saint Dane.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Elli Winter
Nevva's mother. She was supposed to be the Traveler from Quillan, but declined, so the job was passed to Nevva. After Nevva's betrayal, she took up the job in her absence.
- The Atoner
- Never Mess with Granny: What she eventually becomes.
- Refusal of the Call
Siry Remudi
The Traveler from Ibara. Appearing at first to be little more than a thieving delinquent, he revealed himself to Bobby as the leader of the Jakills, a gang of kids devoted to knowing the world beyond their island.
- Rebel Leader: Subverted; the Jakills may have had a noble cause in mind, but they really didn't know what they were getting into.
- Rebellious Spirit: By the time Bobby meets him, he has a complete distrust of authority and is flagrantly disregarding the laws.
- Seeker Archetype: For much of his life, he sought out the truth about the island he lived on and the world beyond it.
Patrick Mac
The Traveler from Third Earth. Works as a teacher/librarian.
- Badass Bookworm: In his prequel story, where he uses both his knowledge and his hiking experience to protect his class on an outdoors field trip gone wrong.
Other Characters[]
Andy Mitchell
A school bully who occasionally tormented Mark.
Kasha's acolyte and childhood friend.
- Ace Pilot
- Achilles Heel: Like all klees, he is unable to swim.
- Catfolk
- Nice Guy
Veego and LaBerge
A brother-and-sister duo who are in charge of the Quillan Games. LaBerge handles the creative side, while Veego runs the technical side.
- Excited Kids' Show Host: LaBerge
- Iron Lady: Veego
- Sibling Yin-Yang
Wu Yenza
Spader's boss. She later becomes his acolyte.
Loor's younger adoptive sister and later acolyte.
Alexander Naymeer
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Co-Dragons: With Nevva.
- Ill Boy: As a child.
- Path of Inspiration