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"The Last Phantom" comic series[]

  • One of The Phantom's primary plot points in any incarnation is that the Walker clan maintains the illusion that The Phantom is the same person, by passing the mantle on from father to son. It can be expected that becoming not just a vigilante but a jungle legend is something that requires more than a little "on the job" hands-on training, so naturally father and son will be out in the jungle together quite a bit. But what kind of jungle grass was the elder smoking to decide to make Junior an identical Phantom costume to wear (sans the maroon color) while out there with him late in his training??? And totally unforgivable was Junior actually telling the "hostage" in Issue 7 that he is going to be the next Phantom. Even if they didn't realize she was in on it all along, generally The Phantom keeps the illusion up with all but his closest allies as well as his enemies.
  • It's a requirement that each Phantom marries and has children, to carry on the legacy. So why was Kit's father so disapproving of his plan to marry? Unless of course Kit had already decided to forsake the Phantom legacy anyway, and his father knew it...
    • Perhaps he just didn't approve of Kit's choice of spouse?

The Movie[]

  • Why did Diana take off Sala's flight helmet when they met? What was the point? For that matter, why did Sala just stand there and let her do it?