The Pocalypse is a flash webcomic story where Class 1 Zombie Apocalypse meets Robot Apocalypse meets Plant Apocalypse meets Vampire Apocalypse meets Way Too Many Other Apocalypses at once. In fact, this apocalypse so bad, quite a few people have begun to refer to it as The Pocalypse.
This Webcomic contains examples of:[]
- Author Avatar: Author Joe makes frequent appearances in the Filler Scenes.
- AI Is a Crapshoot: The Robot Apocalypse
- Action Girl: Jess/Sentinel.
- Character Portrait: Any important character has one.
- Clothes Make the Superman/Powered Armor: Bernie/Stinger, Jess/Sentinel, and their father Bernard Sr./Obliteration.
- Computer Voice: Harry.
- Decoy Damsel: The girl "captured" by vampires in chapter 2, scene 26.
- Distressed Damsel: Rosa.
- Dream Sequence: Dreamworld.
- Elaborate Underground Base: The supermarket base.
- The Faceless: Andrius, whose face is always completely framed in shadow except when he gets really angry.
- Freak-Out/Heroic BSOD: Bernie has a major one after the Stinger is stolen.
- Glory Hound: Lieutenant Cross was perfectly willing to ignore distress calls and attempt murder just because the main characters got the missions he wanted.
- Nick was willing to drug at least four guards (during, not that he was aware of it, a sitation where they were really needed) just so he could sneak out and prove that he was a capable warrior.
- Jerkass: Joe. (The character, not the author.)
- Mad Scientist: Doc. He wears 3D glasses because you never know when you'll need to see the third - and best - dimension.
- Manipulative Bastard: Andrius.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Andrius, Cross, Rosa, and Dominick the Zompires, and Scrufflebeck the Plant Puppy.
- Parental Abandonment: Bernie and Jess' mother died during a zombie attack and their father left three years before the start of the comic, presumably to hunt down vampires.
- Our Vampires Are Different: The Vampire Apocalypse.
- Unwitting Pawn: Joe, manipulated by Andrius into freeing him.
- When Trees Attack: The Plant Apocalypse.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Guess which Apocalypse this is.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Joe
- Split Personality Takeover: Joe