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The Poker House is a 2008 independent drama film, based on the true story of writer/director Lori Petty's childhood. Agnes, played by Jennifer Lawrence, is a 14-year-old high school student. She gets straight A's, works two jobs and is a star basketball player. Her mother, Sarah, played by Selma Blair, is a prostitute who brings home different men every night and is regularly beaten by her pimp. Also in the family are two other girls, 12-year-old Bee and 6-year-old Cammie.

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 I race the sun home in the morning, and the moon up at night. Anything can happen, and anything does. There's just today. Then there's tonight.


 Mother God Lord Jesus fuckin Christ Almighty, somebody shut the door!


 MOM. This motherFUCKER just raped me!

  • Rape as Drama: Agnes. It crosses over into High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: The mother has a case of this with the pimp. Agnes herself with the pimp, to some extent. Until he rapes her.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Agnes' is long and varied. Her father abused her whole family, her mother seems to take a certain pleasure in belittling her, she is threatened at knife point, and raped by the pimp. You WILL want to give her a hug when she is in the bathtub. Made especially difficult to watch by Jennifer Lawrence's stunning performance.
  • The Unintelligible: The black man who spends the day with Cammie at Dolly's.