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  • Hints in many songs, but "Synchronicity II" is probably the most nightmarish of their singles.

 Many miles away

There's a shadow on the door

Of a cottage on the shore

Of a dark

Scottish lake...

  • "Friends", a song about a man who befriends people and then eats them.
    • In a similar manner there's "Murder By Numbers" which is a jazzy tune about a serial killer.
    • There's also "Once Upon A Daydream," with copious amounts of Lyrical Dissonance. Perhaps not coincidentally, the previous three were all written or co-written by Andy Summers.
  • "Masoko Tanga", which is the Last-Note Nightmare for their first album. Sting has (perhaps jokingly) referred to being hypnotised while playing the song, saying that the gibberish lyrics were cries from a past life.
  • "Shadows in the Rain" a song about schizophrenia (or heroin addiction) which is pretty much made of Fridge Horror.
  • "Tea in the Sahara," which ends with three sisters dying of thirst in the desert.