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You wake up in Manhattan, in the ruins of the Baxter Building. Or in New Mexico, in a research facility deep under the desert. Or in Seattle, in a high-rise building on the West Coast. You're on Earth, but not your Earth - if Earth was ever yours in the first place. There used to be people like you - powerful people, heroes - but they're all gone. No one will tell you why, even if you ask nicely.
You wake up in a different world with different rules, but at least you wake up still you.
Tropes used in The Posthumans include:
- Action Girl: If she's a girl, she's probably an Action Girl. Subverted, always, with Gert Yorkes.
- All Trolls Are Different
- Alternate Universe: Obviously.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Characters were trapped in a dystopian pocket universe that took their fondest wishes and twisted them until they were almost unrecognizable.
- Badass Normal: Pretty much the entire Batfam, Sokka, Sulu and Kirk.
- Big Bad: The Capekillers.
- Big Damn Heroes: Epic teamups result every time a Big Bad threatens.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: A few, notably the Batfamily, the Magneto Clan and everyone from the Adultpocalypse AU.
- Break the Cutie: What this universe threatens to do on a daily basis.
- Brought Down to Normal: Superpowers — ALL of them — were lost, without warning, during a solar eclipse.
- Cool Horse: Our My Little Pony cast.
- Crossover Ship
- Death Takes a Holiday
- Dead Sidekick
- Divide by Zero: Nico did it. It's working out as well as you'd expect.
- Elemental Powers: Between all the fire kids, those crazy benders, and the plethora of element-controlling X-Men, about a hundred Captain Planets could be summoned.
- Empire with a Dark Secret: The Capekillers ARE the original heroes. The Big Reveal kicked off with the presumed death of Ult!Jan by the hands of a Capekiller near and dear.
- Everything's Better with Rainbows
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Karolina Dean, Dazzler and Pixie.
- Evil Twin
- Eye Beams: No, Megan Kinney doesn't have them...yet.
- For Science!
- For Want of a Nail: Quite a few of the alternate universe characters ended up where they are because of this.
- Fountain of Youth: Each city was overrun by children when a mysterious force de-aged them.
- Fourth Wall: Shattered on a daily basis by Leonard Hofstadter of all people. Oh, and this guy, too.
- Freaky Friday Flip
- Hero with Bad Publicity: All of them, really, but especially Tony Stark and the Horsemen.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Too many to count, but all qualify as epic bromances.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Leonard Hofstadter is friends with Maxine Lord, G La DOS and Eddie Nygma. Can't make a sane friend to save his life, apparently.
- It Amused Me: Capekillers trolling the network.
- Jerkass Gods: Loki and Shegorath.
- Just Following Orders: The excuse the Capekillers gave to Nick Fury.
- Law of Disproportionate Response: Most of the Imports decide they can handle being kidnapped to an oppressive alternate universe that bugs them, but no way are they working at McDonald's.
- Legacy Character: TONS, but especially those crazy kids from the Adultpocalypse AU, all of whom took famous Avenger codenames after the adults disappeared.
- Love Dodecahedron: Every teenager in Manhattan. Seriously.
- Malicious Slander: Outlandish newspaper articles accuse Toro of being a stripper, the Capekillers tell the network of Dazzler's so-called nude photos, and more. No one is safe.
- Ontological Mystery: Just blame Reed Richards.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Also, awesome.
- Psychic Link: Imports were suddenly and inexplicably able to hear the thoughts of another import for an entire week. Hilarity ensued.
- Reed Richards Is Useless: The universe's original Reed Richards was the one who created the machines that brought everyone here.
- Stephen Colbert
- Super Team: Max Lord's team: Superman, M, Hank Pym, Rogue, Amara, Tammy Shephard, and Black Widow.
- Team Mom: Rose Lalonde. Also, the school's headmasters.
- Teleporters and Transporters
- The Virus: The Human Torch was weaponized. As in a biological weapon. Boils were involved. It was gross.
- Timey-Wimey Ball: Characters have found themslves in a posh hotel in the 1920s and living out their suburban Grease fantasies in the 1950s.
- Tracking Device
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
- Which Me?: Spider-Man, Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Chase Stein, Aang, Zuko, and more. Hilarity Usually Ensues when one version is introduced to the other.
- Witch Hunt: Also Untrusting Community. Angry mobs attacked incomers at the very start of the game.
- Young Future Famous People: Characters can come from any universe, any timeline. As such, there's a teenage Wanda Maximoff, a Bobby Drake that's just joined the X-Men, a Not!Asian Psylocke, and a teeny, tiny Storm.