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Fridge Brilliance[]
- I used to think Him was the best villain on The Powerpuff Girls because, come on, how many 5-year-old girls have Satan as a regular member of their Rogues Gallery? In fact, I often wondered why Mojo Jojo was considered their Arch Enemy and main threat (unlike on Powerpuff Girls Z, where Him is promoted to Big Bad, with Mojo reduced to a rather Harmless Villain). Recently rewatching several of Him's episodes coincidentally right after The Movie made me realize how much more evil and threatening and even cool Mojo is as a villain compared to Him. First of all, It's Personal with Mojo, which goes much farther towards Arch Enemy status than how powerful you are. Second of all, Mojo is actually much more successful at manipulating the girls than Him, who repeatedly underestimates their ability to conquer the anger or fear he relies on to destroy them and then helplessly laments "But you were supposed to..." The girls always eventually beat Him at his mind games, but Mojo's mind games actually succeed, so the only way they can defeat him is by brute force. It's a scary thought, but Mojo Jojo is actually more evil and manipulative than Satan. ~ User:Lale
- On that point: Him is always confident that he understands the girls' psychology. But remember: they aren't human, at least normal ones. They may have something approaching Blue And Orange Mentality, where they have a thought process very different from normal humans. So even someone like Him who knows people very well may be thrown off by the PPG. Mojo Jojo, on the other hand, was also made with Chemical X, and so would be more likly to understand how they think.
- Yes, being afraid of spiders is no big deal... to you or me. To a character like Buttercup who prides herself on her toughness and invulnerability, the reality that she might have even a little fear of something as mundane as bugs (shared by her sisters, but ranked insignificant next to the fears exploited for them in "Power-noia") is devastating. Devastating enough to make her feel powerless ("I can't fly!"). ~ Lale (I've been re-watching this show a lot lately.)
- It didn't matter that Rainbow the Clown apologized. The Powerpuff Girls did something most kids' cartoons were scared to do. The Aesop of the episode was that being sorry does not make something alright. Especially since his entire justification was "I'm not pretty anymore, so I'm going to commit evil". Heck, it was no more punishment than they eked out for other badguys, or even the opening credits. -User:DC Horror
- It also might be because he's a bloody moron. Get a new outfit, change the makeup and you'll be just as annoying as before, but happy. Seriously, I think they just were beating on him for being stupid.
- It is implied that he wasn't in control of his actions since that bleach wasn't normal (gave him superpowers for crying out loud).
- Before many Cartoon Network films started, when this played, Mojo Jojo tries to eat Popcorn, only for the girls to fly in and eat his popcorn and sit next to him. Why do they sit next to him? He's technically their dad.
- True, but Utonium was TRYING to make little girls and seeing as how it's Professor Utonium would probably have succeeded. Without Mojo Jojo they wouldn't have had super powers (and neither would he) but they'd still exist. I see Mojo Jojo as more of their uncle.
- Heheh...a monkey's uncle...
- True, but Utonium was TRYING to make little girls and seeing as how it's Professor Utonium would probably have succeeded. Without Mojo Jojo they wouldn't have had super powers (and neither would he) but they'd still exist. I see Mojo Jojo as more of their uncle.
- This comment on a Youtube video made the Powerpuff Girls suddenly seem brilliant to me.
"Him is great. He makes light of the other villains-- even his own actions. As the master, he can afford to take a break from chaos to pamper himself, he lays enough, the seed of evil, to keep the "do-gooders" busy. What I have always found interesting is that, Townsville, is the center of mass destruction-- within which the Devil plainly resides and makes home. It can be suggested that he is what draws all the evil to the city... the city of Armageddon. I kinda like that wiggy theme."
- HIM may just be the way to avoid saying his name, but if may also be seen as an acronym for His Infernal Majesty. Yikes.
Fridge Horror[]
- Because the film was very much Darker and Edgier, how many people (and monkeys) died during Mojo Jojo's attack?
- The Powerpuff Girls: One episode featured a zombie magician called Abra Cadaver who was killed when a little girl caused him to trip and fall into an iron maiden (which makes you wonder how the girl felt). He tries to do this to Blossom (since she looks like the girl), but somehow is switched, and re-killed with his arm hanging out of the iron maiden. What did it for this troper was the Fridge Logic that made you realize the fact that, when the theater was abandoned, they left the iron maiden there, with the magician's dead body still in it. Nobody came to remove it, and the magician was never buried. It was just left there to decay with the theater itself. It gets worse when you think about how the people of Townsville probably walked happily past that theater everyday, with the dead body still sitting on the stage.
- Later in the episode, the zombie turns some civilians into trees. We never see them get better...
- The Mayor's childish antics and grammar suggest that he may be suffering from Alzheimer disease, and no one bother to take notice that Townsville is run by an old man with the brain of a five year old.
- For that one time he made Professor Utonium PAY!!! ...for breakfast, not only did he attack the girls' unqustioning faith in their father, he proved that they can fail even when trying desperately to protect their only parent. After all, imagine what could have happened if it wasn't a question of a food bill
Fridge Logic[]
- In the episode Get Back Jojo, Mojo Jojo goes back in time to off Professor Utonium in the past to negate the Powerpuff Girls' existence. But Mojo was created in the same lab accident as the Girls, so if he succeeded, he'd also negate his own existence and cause a Grandfather Paradox. For an evil genius, Mojo's pretty dumb to have overlooked that.
- In the movie he calls himself a monster, and his family calling him one probably caused a bit of confidence issues, so he probably cares less about living and more about not having the girls anymore.
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