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  • Any scene when The Professor fulfills his fatherly role.
    • Pretty much all of his scenes in The Movie but most obviously when he has just returned home with birthday gifts for the newly-created Powerpuff Girls, when he sees them exercise their superpowers for the first time. At first he is struck dumb, but then a loving smile crosses his face. Bubbles receives her beloved Octi as a gift and thanks the Professor, saying "This is the best gift ever, Dad!" The Professor's response? He takes one look at his girls and simply says, "Yes... it is." *sniff*
    • I will give you extra food of thought: when he's cleaning up the drawings they made, he picks up Bubbles' drawing [1] . It's basic colorful blobs of crayon of the three girls and their father at the bottom.
    • Comforting Blossom in "The Mane Event":

Professor: What's the matter, honey? Why are you sitting here alone in the dark?

    • The ending of "Knock It Off":

Professor: Dick may have gotten the formula right, but the one ingredient he forgot was love.

      • and....

Professor: It's gonna be okay girls-gah-Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup! Girls! I-I...I love you.
The Girls: We love you too.

    • The scene in "Uh Oh Dynamo" where the Professor explains to the girls exactly why he built D.Y.N.A.M.O.:

Professor: Look, girls. Yesterday's horrible, horrible monster fight made me realize something. You girls are everything to me. *Tears form in his eyes* You are my life, and — and I'm responsible for your safety and protection.


Professor: Ah, girls. Yesterday all our troubles seemed so far away. Now it seems they're here to stay. Sitting here eight days a week, everyone seems to think you're lazy. I don't mind, I think they're crazy. But you used to be running everywhere at such a speed. Now you think there's no need.
Buttercup: There isn't!
Bubbles: If we can't stop the Beat-Alls...
Blossom: We're never saving the day again.
Professor: Ohhh, you can't do that! What will Townsville do when they look for the girls with the sun in their eyes and they're gone?

    • The episode "Powerprof" has one that doubles as a CoMA where, after taking a brutal beating from Mojo, the Professor finds the strength to get up and hand Mojo his ass on a platter after the monkey made the mistake of threatening the girls.
    • And as he leaves, we find out the whole attack was a plan made up by the girls. That's where we see the true extent of the Professor's love for his children.

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  1. which was actually a drawing of from a contest held as the movie was being produced