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  • The episode "Twisted Sister" is utterly heart-wrenching. The girls try to make a fourth Powerpuff Girl, and because they substitute some ingredients, their new sister Bunny turns out a little... special. She tries very hard to fight crime, but never gets it right... until the end, where she saves her sisters and then explodes. The other three girls feel horrible, because the last thing they told her was "Bunny do bad!" and that she wasn't cut out to be a Powerpuff Girl. Even The Narrator cried as he was closing the show.

Bubbles: She was good after all. We were the ones who were bad.

  • The ending of the episode "Knock It Off". The Professor bursts into Dick's factory as he's slowly killing the girls by draining their Chemical X. After he desperately pleads for the lives of his daughters, Dick just decides to kill all of them. As his army of grotesque, monstrous clones take the Professor away, he tearfully tells the girls that he loves them, and they weakly manage to say, "We love you, too," before passing out. After seeing this heartwrenching good-bye, the clones turn on Dick, release the girls, and tell the Professor to run before the factory burns down. He escapes as the factory explodes in the background, killing all of the deformed clones and cries over the apparently dead bodies of his daughters before they come around.
    • The part where the clones gang up on Dick. As creepy and misshapen as they were, they didn't deserve to be mistreated by Dick so much...

Blossom clone: You never gave us love!

Buttercup clone: Where was our love!?

Dick: NO! Stay back! I am your MASTER!

Bubbles clone: Only a master of evil, Dick!

Dick: NO, NO, NOOOOO! (collapses onto a piece of machinery and bursts into flames)

Blossom clone: (releases the girls and the Professor) Get out. Before it's too late...

  • The Movie has a pretty dang depressing one. The girls are shunned by everyone in Townsville and called freaks. Mojo Jojo tricks them into helping him take over the city, making its citizens hate them even more. Their own father doubts if they’re truly good, which devastates them so much that they fly off into space and plan to live out the rest of their lives alone on an asteroid. But the most depressing of all is that moment when Blossom looks at the Earth with large, heartbroken eyes, then buries her head in her hands and silently cries.
  • In "Tough Love", when Him replaces the town's love for the girls with hate. When the girls (who were then unaware) came to see the Professor, well...let's say it wasn't pretty.
  • There's one moment in "Octi Evil" when Blossom and Buttercup are arguing and it slowly pans over to Bubbles crying alone in their room.
  • "Helter Shelter", when Bubbles says goodbye to the baby whale.
  • "Little Miss Interprets": Upon thinking the Professor wants to replace the girls with new ones, we see Blossom and Bubbles crying. Buttercup fights the urge to cry and eventually gives in.
    • The following line from Bubbles:

Bubbles: (to the Professor) But...I love you...DAD!

  • "The City Of Frownsville" has all of the city crying after Lou Gubrious sets his sadness ray on them.
  • The beginning of "Mommy Fearest" which shows that the Professor, much as he loves his girls, is a very lonely man.
    • And later when the Professor reluctantly grounds the girls. You can just feel the tremor in his voice. You can't help but feel sorry for him too.
  • "Speed Demon". The moment it kicks in for the girls that Townsville being in ruins was ultimately THEIR fault for being gone so long...

Buttercup: No...NOOO!
Bubbles: (grabbing both of her pigtails and crying) WHYYYYY!
Blossom: (sounding absolutely heartbroken) Wh-what have we done?


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