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  • "Don't make me light up my butt!" Ray vs. Facilier's minions. That is one Badass Firefly.
    • "A bug's got to do what a bug's got to do!"
  • Tiana destroying the Talisman.
    • Particularly because she gets over her Squick at being a frog and embraces the utility of her condition.
  • "Friends On The Other Side" is pretty much Dr. Facilier's crowning moment, especially at the end when he tells Naveen to blame "my friends on the other side".
  • A better Crowning Moment for Facilier would be when his shadow stops Tiana from destroying the talisman (the first time she tried).
  • Dr. Facilier's temptation of Tiana in the climactic scene is a crowning moment for them both — for the villain, his Hannibal Lecture (how could it be otherwise when delivered by Keith David?); for the heroine, her Shut UP, Hannibal response as she moves to destroy his talisman.

  Tiana: My daddy never did get what he wanted. But he had what he needed. He had love! He never lost sight of what was important! And neither. Will. I!

  • While it's definitively Nightmare Fuel, no one can debate that "The Friends On the Other Side" Reprise wasn't a CMOA. Besides seeing Dr. Facilier reach his villainous comeuppance it's so awesome to see his puppets, his Shadow Demons, and even his voodoo symbols turn against him in this final scene.
  • When Ray is killed off for real. Why is this awesome? It's a gutsy move for Disney, who prudish parents seem to believe must do not wrong, and has never, ever had any horrible death or Nightmare Fuel in their films.
  • The whole movie qualifies since it shouts "Disney's back!" as loudly and awesomely as The Little Mermaid did 20 years ago. History does repeat itself.