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If I could do it again, I would. As long as people feel something, that's the great thing. It's when they are walking around not thinking and not feeling, that's tough. When you get a mob like that, you can turn them into the sort of gang that Hitler had.
Patrick McGoohan in 1984, on the outrage that followed the series finale


Number Two: I am definitely an optimist. That's why it doesn't matter who Number One is. It doesn't matter which "side" runs the Village.

Number Six: It's run by one side or the other.

Number Two: Oh, certainly, but both sides are becoming identical. What in fact has been created is an international community — a perfect blueprint for world order. When the sides facing each other suddenly realize that they're looking into a mirror, they will see that this is the pattern for the future.

Number Six: The whole Earth as the Village?

Number Two: That is my hope. What's yours?

Number Six: I'd like to be the first man on the moon.
The Chimes of Big Ben


Nadia: Thank you, Mister...?

Number Six: Sorry, no names. I am Number 6. You are Number 8.
The Chimes of Big Ben

I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own!
Number Six