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The Pursuit of Harimao's treasure was another 2002 release by FUNimation, which centers around three statues, an aging billionare, and a hidden treasure. So it should come as no surprise that Lupin and his gang are out to claim it for themselves.

This time, however, they may have met their match, as Sir Archer and his granddaughter, Diana, also have their sights on the treasure. As does The Neo Himmel, a group of neo nazis led by Herr Mafroditte.

It begins with a late night heist of a bronze bear statue, followed by the destruction of the Euro Tunnel, which lands Sir Archer's insurance company, Loyd Insurance, over seven billion pounds in debt. Despite this outstanding amount, he remains unfazed; convinced he can settle the affair by claiming the legendary Harimao treasure. Diana decides to join him, as do Lupin and Co.

Eventually the two groups join forces, under a tenuous 80/20 agreement. But as the goal draws nearer, allegiances are changed, and it soon becomes a matter of who's playing who.

The Pursuit of Harimao's contains examples of:[]

  • Action Girl: Diana. She's an experienced archeologist, an Ace Pilot, and a crackshot with a shotgun. She even nabs one of the statues before Lupin does, moments before her arrives, and escapes via jet pack.
  • All Men Are Perverts: It should come as no surprise that Lupin is the main offender, especially where Archer's granddaughter is concerned.
    • For all his style and sophistication, Archer is no better than Lupin. He constantly flirts with Fujiko the entire film, especially in the pool scene.
    • Goering isn't above perving either. When he decides to take one of Archer's "women", his subordinate asks, which one. His answer?
    • And, later in the film, Lupin clears a heavily guarded checkpoint by supplying the soldiers with porn!
  • Animation Bump: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure features possibly the smoothest animation of any Lupin III related feature.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Lupin and Jigen, during the snowmobile chase sequence, at the beginning. They trade places, admist casual conversation, while taking turns shaking their pursuers.
  • Badass Longcoat: Goering wears his draped around his shoulders.
  • Berserk Button: Lupin may be a thief, but that doesn't mean he's without scruples. When Herr Mafroditte fatally shoots Sir Archer, Lupin goes into an Unstoppable Rage, complete with Foe-Tossing Charge, and beats the tar out of him.
  • Big Bad: Herr Mafroditte.
  • Blatant Lies: When Diana asks Fujiko if she's knows how to use a gun, Fujiko replies she's never touched one, 'cuz they're too noisy. Right.
  • Butt Monkey: Zenigatta. This time 'round, he's more of a bumbling inspector, and mainly serves as comic relief.
    • Lupin suffers a bit of this, himself; between being forced to accept a 20/80 split (ouch!) and being made to do all the legwork while Archer calls shots. Not to mention, both times Goering cleans his clock.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Take a wild guess.
    • For those of you that're new to the Lupin series: Fujiko.
  • Cool Old Guy: Sir Archer, who owns a private museum of spy memorabilia, which were inspired by his actual exploits, during his time as an agent of British Intelligence!
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Poor Lupin ends up on the receiving end nearly everytime he fights Goering.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Diana, toward Lupin.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: From the moment he sees her, Lupin turns on the charm and does his damndest to win Diana over. By the end, she agrees to dinner, but makes it clear that's as far as it goes.
  • Dirty Old Man: Archer is a mild example, but still dirty.
    • Near the beginning, Diana warns Fujiko about her grandfather, citing that "he's quick with his women."
    • Archer spends his time, during the pool scene, with his head in Fujiko's lap, while nuzzling his cheek against her thighs; complete with lecherous grin.
    • Also shown, in the Flash Back between him and Fujiko, before they depart for Bangkok. She gives him a peck on the cheek, causing Archer to blush and smile lecherously again.
  • Discretion Shot: The scene shifts to the outside of the building when, Russell makes out with one of his male subordinates. Fujiko's expression likely mirrored most fans.
  • Effeminate Misogynistic Guy: In some ways, Herr Mafroditte maybe worse than Sadachiyo, as the mere touch of a woman repulses him. He openly states that he hates women, and when Fujiko kisses him he has a shit fit, claiming he's been dirtied.
  • First Kiss: Though not explicitly stated, the manner in which Diana caresses the area of her cheek, where Lupin kissed her, and the way she smiles, afterward, seems to imply it was her first.
  • Fan Service: Not as much as some Lupin fims, but it's there. Mainly during the pool scene, and the many lingering shots of Diana's legs. Plus, the porn vids that Lupin gives to the guards, in Bangkok.
  • Foreign Fanservice: Diana. In addition to having a pronounced British accent, she has a unqiue look, a stunning figure, and a great pair of legs.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Fujiko exhibits a mild case of jealousy once she sees that Lupin's developing an interest in Diana, and makes it clear that Diana isn't part of the treasure they're after.
  • Killed Off for Real: Sir Archer.
  • Left Hanging: Okay, so Neo Himmel's defeated and Herr Mafroditte's arrested, but what about the seven billion pound debt that's waiting for Diana, back home? How's she supposed to pay it off when the eighty billion plus Harimao treasure is resting on the ocean floor, since dear old granddad decided to take it with him? Somebody's gotta foot the bill for the reconstruction of the Euro Tunnel, and doubt they're gonna get it from Russell.
  • Meaningful Name: Harimao means, "tiger", in Malaysian.
  • Mr. Exposition: Lupin and Archer take turns filling this spot, to clue the viewer in on details concerning the statues, the Loyd Insurance Co., and Harimao himself.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Lupin delivers a brutal one to Herr Mafrodite when he fatally shots Sir Archer.
  • Non-Action Girl: Fujiko, making it a rare instance where she plays a passive role. Justified, since it's part of her cover. She does clock a Mook with a champagne bottle though.
  • Oh Crap: Goering's expression when Herr Mafroditte cites his failure to protect the eagle statue, and for allowing Lupin to escape. You can also hear it in his voice, and the way he was trembling, right before Herr Mafroditte punishes him for it.
  • Orifice Evacuation: Played for Laughs. After Lupin and Jigen emerge from falling into the Amsterdam Canal during a boat chase, Jigen spits out a fish. Lupin is amused at first until a small octopus exits his mouth, which he throws at a laughing Jigen.
  • Pimped Out Submarine: The fabled Harimao Treasure turns out to be a gold plated submarine, with platinum covered portholes. According to Archer, it was Harimao's "gift" to him.
  • Plucky Girl: Diana, as seen in the Action Girl entry above.
  • Porn Stash: Lupin brings a stash of Hentai VHS tapes along to bribe the security guards into letting them pass.
  • Precocious Kid: As part of the tour group in Amsterdam. We get this exchange:

 tour guide: (chipper) "You enjoying yourself, kiddo?"

*kid lifts the tour guide's skirt, revealing her panties, garters, and stockings underneath*

kid: (deadpan) "Yeah."

    • We see them again, during the boat jump sequence. If you pause, at just the right time, during the closeup, you'll see he's grabbing her ass.
  • Priceless Paperweight: When Zenigata finds the bronze bear statue lying around Lupin's apartment, he isn't sure what to make of it. So what does he do? He uses it to weigh down the lid of his ramen noodles, while they steam!
  • Punny Name: Herr Mafroditte.
  • Putting on the Reich: The Neo Himmel.
  • Running Gag: Zenigata's love of ramen noodles. At one point, he even serves some to Lupin and Diana, while en route to Paris, in genuinely good natured fashion.
    • Near the end, after reading him his rights, Zenigatta can be heard asking Herr Mafroditte if he'd like some ramen noodles. He politely declines.
  • Sissy Villain: Nail polish, lipstick, a voice chip to make him sound like a woman. Yep. Herr Mafroditte, all the way.
  • Spy Catsuit: Lupin dons one, in the beginning, complete with night-vision goggles, when he swipes the bear statue. Fujiko wears hers to tail Russell back to his suite, which how she learns he's Herr Mafroditte.
  • The Brute: Goering fills this role in addition to being The Dragon. He's certainly built like one, and the way he manhandles Lupin, each time, definitely fits the description.
  • The Dragon: Goering, to Herr Mafroditte.
  • The Faceless: Harimao. In each of Archer's flashbacks, excluding the last, he's either shown from behind, or with his face cast in shadow.
  • The Mole: Fujiko is the obvious one, since she's really working with Lupin, while pretending to be Sir Archer's personal aide. At least, until she spies a chance to get a better deal for herself by teaming up with Herr Mafroditte.
    • Herr Mafroditte also counts, since he's really Russell in drag; which explains how he knows so much about Archer's activities, and the Harimao treasure.
  • Toon Physics: Lupin and Jigen fall, from over thirty stories on a washer trolley, and crashland through the roof of a paddy wagon without injury. And during their second bout, aboard his private chopper, Goering kicks Lupin, causing him to ricochette around the cockpit like a pinball.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Happens when Fujiko gets her revenge on Herr Mafroditte by kissing him... and it wasn't even a real kiss, it was just a peck!
  • Villainous Crossdresser: Russell, who's really Herr Mafroditte. He even uses a soundchip to alter his voice to sound like a woman's.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Subverted. While it's true that Lupin decks Herr Mafroditte, for threatening to shoot Diana, Herr Mefroditte is Russel, in drag, not a woman. Not that Lupin knew this, at the time.