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 Uh-oh~! Fell in love again! What do I tell my friends? *smashes glass door with plant pot* It just happened! And I don't wanna be, alone no more~!

    • From the comics, Danny Boy.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: In Fifty Two, after seeing from Black Adam's brother-in-law Amon that Shazam's power can restore the host's body to peak physical condition even when they're broken and paralyzed, he jokingly decides to yell "Shazam!", to Renee Montoya's confusion. Then you find out he's dying of lung cancer...
  • Les Yay: considering that Renee is a canon lesbian...
  • My Real Daddy: Denny O'Neil for Sage, Greg Rucka for Montoya.
  • The Woobie: Renee, before she takes up the Question's mantle.