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The Protagonists[]
"You did enough to prove to the rest of us that you’re notable. Most of us want to kill you, do worse than kill you. Because you pose a threat, because you’re an X factor.” |
Jordan Dooling[]
Me? As I said, I’m after Rapture. I’m in this to survive, to see if I can make heads or tails of this ever-clearer mystery that’s befallen the world. ..did I say “ever-clearer?” Yeah, it’s not. We know more than we did in May, but it’s still closer to “fuck-all” than anything resembling “all.” |
This kid's British, though he may not sound it. He's the wearer of iconic clothes, wielder of iconic weapons, and chronicler of iconic logs. He fears many things, but he'll cross those bridges when he comes to them.
Tropes associated with Jordan:[]
- Action Survivor
- Author Avatar
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Captain Obvious: One example: "..if you see a bear, run, okay? You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, actually."
- Catch Phrase: "Tiger Stripes, give me strength..."
- Character Development: By the time the story begins, Jordan's naive, terrible around girls, and hesitant to believe in any such thing as "Rapture." By Act III, he wants all these women to stop chasing him for long enough so that he can save the world.
- Cosmic Plaything: "Paul’s response? “DAMN! Dude, everything bad happens to you.” I.. concur."
- Dual-Wielding: Swords Hammett and Hackett.
- First-Person Smartass
- Hero with Bad Publicity: As a result of Ignorance Is Bliss below, he gains the title of "terrorist." Who works for the bad guys.
- Ignorance Is Bliss: In the "White Jester" arc, he's 'hired' to 'convert' a list of people in Spain. As far as he knows, 'convert' means kill, and that's the worst of his problems. Well, It Gets Worse. He's hired to kill three very important figures in the up-and-coming Rapture rebellion movement.
- I Will Protect Her: He seems to have grown rather attached to Donnie.
- Little Hero Big War: There seems to be a whole rebellion movement against the monsters of the apocalypse, and one can only imagine all the carnage going on with all their conflicts. But does Jordan get to see it? No way.
- One-Liner: Actually manages to give one, albeit an extremely strange and kinky one, during the climax of the "White Jester" arc.
- "I guess his call's... *sunglasses* just been dropped."
- One of Us: Lampshaded heavily when he goes to a troper meet-up in apocalyptic Blackpool.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: He has at least two, but let's focus on his main one.
- Nice Hat: He wears a trilby at all times.
- Badass Longcoat: While not exactly long, he wears a blazer that he has dubbed his "slendercoat."
- Cool Shades: Yes, even at night.
- Scarf of Asskicking: He wears a purple scarf. Freaking purple.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Well, until about halfway through the first act.
Donnivan Rand[]
There’s Donnivan Rand, who is.. seventeen, I believe. She’s pretty. :D Her weapon of choice is one hell of a frying pan. She’s there to do what I can’t, and she’s very helpful. And pretty! :D Her destination is.. somewhere in the States! She wants to meet up with her special someone. And she’s pretty! :D |
Donnie's British and sounds it. She and Jordan survived England together, and she likes to think they'll remain best of friends forever.
Tropes applying to Donnie:[]
- Character Development: By the start of the story, Donnie is friendly to Jordan but a bit quiet otherwise. By Act III, she assists Anna in an attempted murder of him, and otherwise tries to be an all-around stronger individual.
- Climax Boss: Anna was this to her at the very climax of Act II. See also: Curb Stomp Battle.
- Green Eyed Red Head
Daniel Finnegan[]
Danny’s really set on this. His girl was.. taken. Viciously. And he really wants to get back at the bastard who took her away from him. ...He says he’ll look for me in his travels, and that he’s sure “we’ll meet again on the battlefield.” |
Danny is, for lack of a better word, a loner. He attempts to stay away from largely populated areas, but it never works out. Due to the murder of a loved one, he has set his sights on revenge. Little Danny Boy was first met July 4th in New Jersey, shooting off fireworks at the alleged murderer.
Catie "Fentzy" DeBiaso[]
Fentzy is a very dear friend of mine. She has a real name, but I affectionately call her Fentzy as a short version of her AIM screenname. She helped me through more than a few rough times, and we get along so well! |
Fentzy's a badass girl, and she's always willing to remind people of that. She's after the Fears that took her sister, and she doesn't mind bashing some heads in in the process.
Tropes applying to Fentzy:[]
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- First-Person Smartass: When she gets to write her own logs, she is very snarky.
- Tsundere: Fentzy suggests Jordan flirts only with her, and then backs herself up with “Don’t get any ideas, bitch. I’m trying to make you look better.”
Annabelle Rhodes[]
I.. I went so insane. They made me, Jordan. They made me who I am today. Sometimes, when I stare off into the distance, I’m still certain this is a hallucination, that I’m just dreaming all this up as an escape method from the cold, cold isolation The Ruin gave me. |
Anna has been dubbed "Forsaken." No Fears are allowed to get her, but she's gone pretty much insane as a side effect. And she's gonna have Jordan all to herself whether he enjoys it or not.
Tropes applying to Anna:[]
- Climax Boss: At the very climax of Act II, Anna took on Donnie one-on-one. ....it quickly became a Curb Stomp Battle in Anna's favor.
- Yandere: She rapes Jordan with a crowbar and obsesses over him throughout Act II.
Eric "Bones" Taylor[]
There, awaiting me, was Eric Taylor. The moment we saw each other, he handed me a Les Paul guitar controller, and we stood in front of a large television. A video camera followed us at all times. The whole world watched in what I imagine to be a mixture of confusion and uncomprehensible awe as Rael and Bones had their first guitar duel in a year. |
Somewhere, somewhen, Bones is watching. Not much is known about him, but he seems to know plenty about everyone else.
Tropes applying to Bones:[]
The Fears[]
“We are the reason creatures developed the phenomenon known as ‘fear’ in the first place. To those who know of us, we are the night stars casting our terror from light years away. To those who directly encounter us, we are the monster you created in your daddy’s name.” |
"The slender man" / The Beast[]
Jordan didn't even want to believe this thing existed, but it turns out its existence is unfathomably more terrifying than anyone could have expected. The slender man was trapped in the deepest level of the rabbit hole for the duration of the apocalypse, and... due to reasons currently unrevealed, it became The Beast, the embodiment of all that is terror and eldritch.
Tropes applying to the slender man:[]
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- The Faceless: The Beast is frequently mentioned in the story, but never thoroughly described. The only characters that have even seen it are either insane, dead, or not willing to talk about it. The insane one simply said it looks "nothing like the slender man." Even when the narrator sees The Beast and has a conversation with it, he talks about what The Beast used to be without mentioning what it currently is.
- Mind Screw: Other than being its conventional actions, good luck understanding what's going on when Jordan meets The Beast on August 18th.
- The Slender Man Mythos
"The Rake" / The Anathema[]
Not much is known about this one, though a lot of brutality is expected. Jordan killed all four of them in Act I. Though it turns out he had no idea what the real Rake was like. The Anathema is a living and breathing glitch, breaking all the known rules and laws of our physics and acting against all nature.
Tropes applying to The Rake:[]
- Foreshadowing: Four egg sacs were found in Jordan's house, and one of them had already been opened. Simultaneously, one Rake had been killed.
- The Anathema spends its time either taking apart cars and rebuilding them for something, or catering to an oddity that can only be referred to as its "hive." It's all building up to something.
The Ecclesiarchway[]
A man in a gas mask and skin-tight suit who controls all the zombies. He doesn't seem to want to fight anyone directly, but.. a lot is unknown about him.
The Harlequin[]
Mistress is sitting atop the tallest booth in the marketplace— a makeshift throne for a makeshift God. |
A girl in a wooden costume, looks like a bloodthirsty marionette. She really likes sex. Her real name is Rosa Syclus, and she represents the cycle of abuse and everything associated with it. Controls people, victims are called "Puppets."
Tropes applying to The Harlequin:[]
- Advancing Boss of Doom: When Jordan tried to challenge her, it started off as a "playful game of hide and seek" and quickly became a deadly game of cat and mouse, except the cat was on fire.
- Dark Action Girl
- Victory Fakeout: Jordan thought he defeated her by shoving her into an unnaturally hot oven. Just as he was about to leave, he hears the oven being opened from the inside.
The Musicians[]
These two men crafted this universe themselves. They invented language, itself. They invented music. They breathe sound. They speak the language of sonic light. These two men are The Musicians hiding in the pit. |
Two men dressed up as The Blues Brothers. They always look blurry, and they're always in the distance. They create sound, create life out of sound, and obfuscate everything in your perception.
Tropes applying to The Musicians:[]
- Mind Screw: Their goddamn modus operandi.
- Sheathe Your Sword: When Jordan takes them on directly in "The Battle of Dominiere," this is how he winds up doing it.
The Ruin[]
A little boy who's always a little too cold. He sings nursery rhymes to keep himself warm. Not much is known about him.
The Beacon[]
A tall figure in a medieval plague doctor costume. Not much is known about him, but he seems to evoke eldritch illnesses. Has followers.
- Nightmare Face: Its mask was taken off in Sanctuary Francisco, revealing a very.. disturbing sight.
The Judge[]
No one is sure what he looks like, but the ones who have seen him have not lived to tell the tale. He judges entire cultures and punishes only single individuals for it.
The Morphs[]
Black birds. Just fully black birds. No beaks. Instead there is a gaping hole where a beak should be. Definitely not crows. Not anymore at least. I’m seeing black hands on the car, are these even birds anymore. ...Maybe I should be freaking out more, but I’m just..in awe at these things. They’re like..indescribable. I don’t know if that’s good or what. |
A convocation of birds. They fly around, either becoming lightning, carrying people and cars off to who-knows-where, or they fly so fast that they morph cities and landscapes into their own realms of terror.
The Host[]
Not much is known about this virus, but hosts seem to have their faces contorted into a living, breathing Guy Fawkes mask. Can spread by mere touch.
The Omen[]
"It moves like a ninja of the apocalypse, and its eyes burn your mind to look at. We thought it was just a regular dog, but no. ..It tore us apart. Our plans shattered apart. Hell, it left a lot of us with nothing but minor injuries. That’s what scares us the most. What the hell is it trying to do, y’know?” |
A rather large black dog with eyes that pierce the night. It's said to merely bite people and then run off. Most of the details on this creature are unknown. When it's damaged, it goes to the people it has bitten and uses their flesh as replacements for its lost limbs.
The Victims[]
Shadows on the wall. They don't seem hostile. They can talk. Most is unknown.
Tiresias looks like an old blind man and is always seen around books. Not much is known about him, though with the apocalypse, he's been trapped in his eldritch library and seems to want to help people.
Tropes applying to Tiresias:[]
There's something in the sea. A thing with ill will. It's coming out of the sea. Coming out in waves. |
Salmacis is some sort of water virus-- as far as we know-- that 'eats' all of a body of water and replaces it with itself. Note: Humans are mostly water. Human 'members' of the Hive Mind are referred to as "The Camper." Salmacis seems helpful towards the protagonists, but the full extend of its helpfulness is unknown.
- Hive Mind
- Murder Water
- Combat Tentacles: Salmacis seems to have some, hinting at being more than just water.
“Of course, Xanadu’s not just a city, not just a world, not just a dimension; Xanadu lives. Xanadu flows. And if you ever left, it’d be because Xanadu wanted you to. It’d be at a means Xanadu provided for you. So if someone left, they’d.. well. They were said to have come out not human anymore. Shadows of their former selves, really.” |
Paradise beyond the Door, the land down the rabbit hole. Xanadu is an impossible dimension of every remote wonder and terrifying Hell one could ever imagine. The only way to get there is to go through a Door. Not much is known about this location. If you go far enough 'down a rabbit hole,' you'll find Xanadu actually starts to make sense. The protagonists have hardly even scratched the surface, but it is said that "The Beast" is trapped in the deepest and most eldritch level.
- Mind Screw: Everything.
- Genius Loci: Xanadu is said to have a mind of its own.
The Rapture Creatures[]
Cockroach Jesus[]
“Rapture is coming, children. Rapture is coming. Do not fear it, for fear does not exist in Rapture. Fear is not feared in Rapture.” |
The insect messiah is a man-sized cockroach with Jesus Christ's head. He doesn't say much beyond "We're going to Rapture!"
"We’re children of the rabbit holes, and of.. well, I’m not at liberty to say. But of course, you don’t understand what I mean, do you? You haven’t enough knowledge.” |
As Salmacis calls it, "Individualistic Sentience." Seems to be Camper who have suddenly gotten a will of their own. As of Act III, it seems to be far deeper than that.
They look like The Victims, except they never move unless you do. When you do, they multiply in numbers. Anything else is completely unknown, and they've only been spotted in the deeper parts of Xanadu so far.
The Sadface Man[]
A man in a theatrical sad mask, only spotted in Xanadu. Very hostile.
The Rachaels[]
A world of naked submissive women, all the exact same. They love Jordan, though they hate all other girls. They seem to be hiding many things.
The Seven Ciphers[]
Seven gargantuan creatures in progressively deeper and deeper realms of Xanadu. Defeating each gives the protagonists a riddle to solve, solving each riddle does something crazier and crazier to the world above.
Tropes associated with the Seven Ciphers:[]
- Attack Its Weak Point: All the Cipher battles involve this explicitly somewhere.
- Bait and Switch Boss: The Grand Gtheru is, at first, just another little eyestalk alone on a stage. But then it rises up and becomes a disturbing sight.
- Barrier Change Boss: The Grand Gtheru is this.
- Boss Battle: They are loving homages to everything about boss battles, as well as being epic fights, themselves.
- Braggart Boss: The Realm King is definitely this, cavaliers!
- Damage Sponge Boss: All the Cipher battles involve some kind of this.
- Marathon Boss: In homage to the Temple Guardians of Metroid Prime 2, all the Cipher battles take at least one hour to defeat.
The Seven Knights of Xanadu[]
"“Well, Cockroach Jesus appeared to me on the first day and informed me I was to be a Knight of Xanadu. He let me know that this is a very noble profession, that I was to be one of the only seven Knights on Earth. Our fight was with the prophesied ones... and we were to take them on ‘wielding instruments of plastic and colors of five.’” |
Seven chosen warriors, trained to be masters of navigating Xanadu's impossible labyrinths, destined to fight the protagonists-- in Guitar Hero.
Tropes applying to the Knights:[]
- Epic Rocking: In every single sense of the trope.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The fate of our world may be decided with plastic guitars!
"The Beast" / The slender man[]
“The Beast is a creature betrayed by nature, a creature betrayed by the Fears, a creature betrayed by Rapture. ..It has no eyes, yet it could see me so well. It has no mouth, yet it has a more powerful thirst for blood than I do. It rises tall, its many arms plot and consider." |
The one true antagonist to everything. Very little is known about it, except that it exists, and it's plotting up a storm. The final battle shall take place between The Beast and The Lamb.
"The Lamb"[]
The one true protagonist to everything. Jordan's pretty sure it's himself, though nothing is certain.
"The Harlot"[]
A figure shrouded in mystery, prophesied as the one The Beast desires.