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Fridge Horror[]

  • The episode were Stimpy made Ren wear the happy helmet. It seems hilarious until you realize that the poor guy is forced to be extremely happy against his will and it's obviously painful for him. Eventually it made Ren so crazy that he began to hit his head with a hammer just to get the damn thing off!
  • At one point in "Big Baby Scam", Old Man Hunger takes a bath with Ren and Stimpy and starts whistling "In The Hall of the Mountain King." This is the Leitmotif of Peter Lorre's character in the movie M, where he plays a man who molests and murders kids.
  • Stimpy frequently touts the edibility of Gritty Kitty litter (he and Ren even consume it on-camera). Real cats will sometimes eat litter, but only if they're extremely ill or suffering from some deficiency.