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The Renegades is a Kingdom Hearts fanfiction written by the users abby_sarajane, chigrima and silvestris, under the alias 'The Plot Bunny of Doom'.

The story begins shortly after the events of Chain of Memories. Vexen, brought back from the dead by his enemy card, revives the other Organization members in an attempt to have them punished by Xemnas for their failure. This plan is quickly derailed when the other Nobodies point out how he is just as guilty as they are.

Realizing that they have utterly screwed up, they run. Vexen, Marluxia, Axel, Larxene, Lexaeus and Zexion band together in a mad rush from world to world, trying to survive while hoping that their former comrades don't catch them. They face swamps, deserts, forests, malaria, snakes, forests, sinking ships and more forests. Every time they think they're getting comfortable, they're forced to jump to another world. Making things worse is that the Organization eventually notices their presence and tries to hunt them down.

Much of the fic focuses on the relationships and motivations of the characters. and how they deal with each other. Alliances are made, relationships form and dissolve, and gratuitous amounts of bickering and fighting occur. The two pairings featured are Vexen/Marluxia and Zexion/Lexaeus, but the authors occasionally Ship Tease with Larxene/Lexaeus, Xaldin/Xigbar and others. All of these combine to form a potent mixture of comedy, drama, suspense and yaoi (though work-safe versions of chapters with more explicit content are provided).

In total, the runaways have traveled through the Dark Forest (Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs), London, Agrabah (Aladdin), The Mountain where the Lights touch the Earth (Brother Bear), Twilight Town, New York City, the ruins from The Jungle Book, Havfruehavn (The Little Mermaid), Riverbend (Pocahontas), Reunion Inn (The Sword in the Stone), Land of Dragons (Mulan), Tremaine Mansion (Cinderella), The Wild West (Home on the Range and the non-Disney Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron), Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland), Tortuga (Pirates of the Caribbean), Saber Manor (G-Force), Kingdom of Kuzco (The Emperors New Groove), Suburbia (Bolt, Pixar movies), Hinterlands (The Nightmare Before Christmas), the circus from Dumbo, Sherwood Forest (Robin Hood), Beast's Castle (Beauty and the Beast), Foxes' Forest (The Fox and the Hound), Isle of Idra (Hercules), Pride Land (The Lion King), Mesozoica (Dinosaur), and Notre Dame (The Hunchback of Notre Dame).

This fic contains examples of:[]


 When we first let them get their hands on that camera, we had planned on posting some chapters that were to be mostly image-based; 'photo-logs' if you will. Then things happened and the resident artist (i.e [Silvestris]) lost all drive to draw KH-related things, and that whole idea was put on infinite hold. Whether the camera will show up again or not, time will tell.


 Larxene: “Yeah? Don’t think you can call all the shots just because you’re bigger and badder than everyone else! You keep saying how we’re supposed to be a team now, and-... wait, what?”
