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Characters featured in the Disney Channel Animated Series The Replacements.
The Daring Family[]
Todd Bartholomew Daring-Fleem[]
- Book Dumb
- Catch Phrase: "Don't judge me!"
- Jerkass: Almost the male version of Alex Russo at times.
- The Lancer
- Manipulative Bastard
Riley Eugene Daring-Fleem[]
- All Girls Like Ponies
- The Heroine
- I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!: Her sugar addiction.
- Yandere (to Johnny)
Dick Daring[]
- Adult Child
- Bumbling Dad
- Catch Phrase: "Look out below!"
- Companion Cube: His stuffed bear Evel Bearnievel.
- Extreme Omnivore: He once ate 50 pinecones.
- Sarcasm Blind
Agent K Daring[]
- Action Mom
- Embarrassing Middle Name (Mildred)
- Fake Brit
- Hot Shounen Mom
- Lethal Chef
- Spy Catsuit
- Stacy's Mom
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She has crippling stage fright.
C.A.R.T.E.R. aka C.A.R.[]
- Automated Automobiles
- Cool Car
- Deadpan Snarker
- Obnoxious In-Laws: That's pretty close to how he treats Dick.
- Weaponized Car
Prince Cinnamon Boots[]
- Butt Monkey: In terms of being remembered by the family.
- Something We Forgot
The Costars[]
Conrad Fleem[]
- The Faceless (until the series finale)
- Todd And Riley, I Am Your Uncle
- Beautiful All Along
- The Big Girl
- Engrish
- The Faceless (until "Tasumi Unmasked")
- Last-Minute Hookup (with Jacobo)
Jacobo Jacobo (Ha-co-bo)[]
- Last-Minute Hookup (with Tasumi)
- Precocious Crush (on Agent K)
- The Smart Guy
- Spell My Name with an "S": His name is constantly being misspelled as "Hakobo", even by the close-captions.
Abbey Willson[]
- Black Best Friend
- The Chick
- Rich Bitch: She tends to have these moments.
- Her sister is a more straightforward example.
Shelton Klutzberry[]
- Beautiful All Along (when he loses his Nerd Glasses)
- Fridge Brilliance: Which he might have inherited from his mother.
- Butt Monkey
- Extraverted Nerd (somewhat)
- Informed Judaism
- My Friends and Zoidberg
- No Celebrities Were Harmed (Jerry Lewis)
- Tagalong Kid
Buzz Winters[]
- Catch Phrase: "Buzz fury!", "Good one, Buzz", and calling Todd and Riley "losers"
- Go-Karting with Bowser: A few episodes of season 1 had him participating in Todd and Riley's activities.
- Jerk Jock
Johnny Hitswell[]
- Big Man on Campus
- Heroes Want Redheads: Though he apparently doesn't want them as much in late season 2.
- Meaningful Name: Johnny Hits well. Geddit?
Sierra McCool[]
Donny Rottweiller[]
Ace Palmero[]
Dr. Scorpius[]
- Arch Enemy (to Agent K)
- Big Bad: In a few episodes, most notably in the finale.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Punch Clock Villain: Contrary to what Agent K thinks, he can actually go on vacation without having a hidden evil agenda.
- Unholy Matrimony: Subverted. His wife knows he's a a villain, and she seems to be okay with it, but she takes no personal interest in his work.
- The Unseen (in season 1)