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But just recently Ganondorf returned to Hyrule.

He claimed he was a changed man.

That he had seen the light...

... and put his dark past behind him.

"Yeah right!"

The Return Of Ganondorf is a flash animation by LegendaryFrog on (and now available on YouTube). It parodies The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Years after the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the villainous Ganondorf returns to Hyrule, having seen the error of his ways and has turned a new leaf. Link definitely doubts that and sets off to prove that Ganondorf is still evil — Or Is He?

These are the following tropes:[]


 [Malon and Saria giggle after Zelda admits she likes Link]

Princess Zelda: What? You all do!

Malon and Saria: Oh yeah... right...


 Link: There you have it! Undeniable proof that Ganondorf... will one day come and smite us all! Smite us I say! SMITE US GOOD! They... they just can't see it yet... Are they blind?! Blind as a Keese if you ask me! Ohhh... They'll see it... I'll MAKE them see it! They'll call me crazy! But I'm not crazy! I'm the only one that's NOT crazy...!

[Navi slaps Link]

Link: Thanks Navi... I lost control... C'mon let's go fishing!

[Navi flies off]

Link: You're next... BAIT. [Evil Laugh]

  • Through the Eyes of Madness: Link reaches this in the end.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Link's "re-enactment" of his last battle with Ganondorf and saving Zelda ("Make love to me Link!").
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Link. He tries spying on Ganondorf, but realizing Ganondorf wouldn't do anything dastardly "out in the open," sets off to spy on Ganondorf in his room. When that fails, Link spies on Ganondorf at Zelda's slumber party, knowing something "evil" would happen.